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Amplifier Progress

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Thought you might like to hear the first recording of a new prototype amplifier...

Recorded by Jason Smith (Australia), guitarist for both Chris Murphy (Aust. Idol), Courtney Murphy (Aust. Idol), and NUMEROUS session recording for way too many people to list...

Two takes, both joined together somewhere in the middle. No retakes, no adjusting EQ and rerecording. They had 20 minutes to pull up the backing track, setup the mic and amp, record as much as possible, and convert it to mp3.

Signal chain:

Jap re-issue Paisley Tele, with Seymour Duncan Lil' '59 bridge pickup, and unknown neck pickup (probably stock).

Amplifier (to be disclosed)

Marshall 1960 angled cab (unknown year, unknown speakers)

neuman u87 microphone


Amp eq

treble: 5/10

mid: 5/10

bass: 6/10

Preamp volume 6/10

Master Volume 5/10

Presence 3/10

90% of clip was recorded with the bridge pickup (neck pickup was used towards the end i think). Cleaner parts are the guitar volume rolled off. Raising of pitch was behind the nut bends. :D

first recording

And because this is a 'in progress thread', here is the progress of the first four actual production amplifiers:


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Is this an amp you're developing? Tube or solid state? I can't tell because of my crappy sound card... okay... I might not be able to tell anyway... :D Sounds good though, nice smooth distortion, good compression/sustain.

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you might have a new line of work here.

Building the first batch now, most are pre-sold. The remainder are allocated to stores. Bigger version coming soon. Its a head only at this stage, but soon the most versatile speaker cabinet EVER will be released :D

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I'm curious as to why you're being secretive about the amp? I have seen a lot of tube amp schematics (and built a few), there doesn't seem (to me) to be THAT much room left for originality, beyond the tonestack. I.e., preamps end up pretty similar, there are only so many kinds of phase inverters, and there are two kinds of power sections, fixed- or cathode-biased (single-ended falling under the latter)...

I "designed" my own amp, but I'm not hiding it... I'll tell everybody. It's a plexi preamp going into a 5w power section. :D

BTW, I am not trying to be negative/combative... I'm just kind of puzzled. But if you're able to market your own amp design, that's pretty cool.

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Nothing secretive about it. Consider it as a priviledge to be getting advanced pre-announcement teasers.

Official announcement is after the first batch are ready, shipped, and clients have a chance to comment/feedback/respond/submit recordings. I have marketing dates, sessions, and clinics to organise before i start telling everyone what it is i have.

I want to create a 'vibe' going to the announcement date. Ive got five stores BUSTING and fighting over who will be the two allowed to stock them. Ive got clients trying to find out what it is that ive spent 12 months developping. Ive got people who have never heard of me, or what i do, all of a sudden within 10 minutes of hearing one of my guitars through the amp, trying to order one of each. I like to be in control of how i release this particular product, because it has taken a long time to produce, along with a lot of headaches and trial and error. Its not a guitar im slowly building for a guy, this is a product that not even my endorsees knew about until a few weeks ago. Even my best clients have not been allowed to see the progress, or know what is going on.

I can assure you that is exactly what i wanted, because it saves all the "when will it be done?" questions, and allowed me to actually work on it, rather than talk about it.

And by the time the flurry of initial interest has died down, and the amps are out there, i'll be ready with the next new product, just when everyone isnt expecting it :D

Or, i could spill my guts on a forum of people who are predominantly from a country (countries) i dont see myself shipping these amps to, and spoil the official release party... :D Know what i mean???

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oh is this another boutique 'oh look what i've got' amp ?

what you got? mgf50?


I guess, to stay consistant, you really should make a simular post under every new thread in here "oh is this another boutique 'oh look what i've got' guitar?"? Well, off you go...

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hmm i just listened to it and it reminds me of somthing but i cant put my finger on it (music i mean) it seems very funky on high notes and rocky on the lower ones, if only i could afford one! :O

edit, just thought of what it reminded me of Robbie robertson/the band sortof stuff, its nice i like it :D

Edited by Samba Pa Ti
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there is alot to be said for high end handmade amps.


I would buy one of Perrys amps in a heartbeat if I had the cash. Even the amp I built is better than the ones you get in the store. I'm thinking of making another crack at it, probably something more complicated with channel switching and the like.

Building amps is fun. I hope yours turns out well for ya Perry :D :D

oh is this another boutique 'oh look what i've got' amp ?

I wonder if you've ever even played a "boutique" amp. I have heard a bogner, tophat, THD bivalve (not handmade, but still nice) and they all sounded 10x better than any "normal" amp you get in the average guitar store.

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