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12 String Les Paul

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I've been working on a hollow 12 string les paul with a through body neck. Both the body and neck are made from rippled sycamore, and the accent stripes are made from rosewood offcuts I saved from the side of my fretboard. I'm using a Gotoh 12 string bridge (same one used on the fender 12 string strat) and so the neck has no angle.


This is what it looks like just now. I'm not too sure what I'm doing for a finish, but it's definately goign to be a tinted lacquer to allow the stripes to show through. I had originally decided to dye it amber and sunburst it with black round the edges, but I'm not so sure about that now. Any suggestions would be good.

Here are some more photos showing some progress shots.


Tone Chambers



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The sycamore is indeed from scottish hardwoods. Cost me no more than £20 for the whole lot - and I managed to save enough for a bolt on neck too! The second bit has some really nice rippling.

The stripes were only there because I left the neck out in the garage overnight and it ended up bending slightly and when I glued the body on, there wasn't a nice join so I thought I'd cover it all up with some rosewood - but I think it looks like it's supposed to be there.

I should have strings on it pretty soon - i have the fretboard radiused, and once I'm finished at uni for the year, I'll have time to fret it.


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That's looking pretty good! :D It looks like the top is carved a little. How deep is the carve? Also, did you carve just the top, or did you carve the inside of the top too since it looks thin where the "f-holes" are? Some pictures of the inside of the top would be appreciated.

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Inisheer, The top is simply planed with a slight bevel right round, and the concaved sections are filed and sanded. The inside has a matching carve, achieved by routing the inside in a series of steps, then tidied up with a chisel and sandpaper. The thickness is around 4mm. My calculations were slightly off as I was aiming for 3mm, but I'd rather it was too thick than too thin. I'm going to mask off the edges of the f-holes so that when i dye it, those sections will remain light and so accent the shape of the fhole against the darker body colour.

I'm afraid I don't have any pictures of the inside, but its just the same on the inside as on the outside so you can probably picture what it looks like.


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I'm heading towards leaving the top as it is, then dying the sides and back brown. Maybe putting a slight tint onto the top. This has been the only guitar I haven't really had a good idea of how I want it to look right from the start. It's also the guitar I've been most eager to play :D


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I'm heading towards leaving the top as it is, then dying the sides and back brown. Maybe putting a slight tint onto the top. This has been the only guitar I haven't really had a good idea of how I want it to look right from the start. It's also the guitar I've been most eager to play :D


That's the route I would go too. A light amber or cherry red on that top would be beautiful imo.

Great build no matter how you decide to finish it.

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I'm progressing nicely just now. I got the fibre board stuck onto the headstock last night and it is now cut flush with the outline of the headstock. I got the fretboard glued to earlier. It's clamped just now, waiting for the glue to dry. I'm going to try find the bridge screws again, and when I find them, the bridge is getting screwed down and i'm going to get some strings on so I can see what it sounds like. I just want to play it before the frets go on so I can say i've played a fretless guitar :D

After this weekend, I'm not going to be gettign any work done for a week or so due to exams and the like. But once they are all clear, I'll get this thing finished and playing. Can't wait!


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  • 3 months later...

I've finally got round to buying a new spray gun after breaking my old one. I've done the colour coats and will get the majority of the clear coats done tomorrow. Here are some pictures of it so far....


....and some pictures of the back:



I'm quite happy with the result. I think the back came out more how I wanted the front to look like but it's all good.


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  • 6 months later...

Here's a little update.

The guitar has been resprayed a number of times since then due to poor finishes and poor spraying conditions. It is also looking rather sorry for itself just now as my house was broken into a few weeks ago and it got smashed up! It's fixable, but a bit annoying. Anyway, I'm going to convert this from a 12 string to a 6 string as I really like the sound of it, but I don't think I'll use it much unless it's in 6 string form. I'll use all the 12 string hardware on a p90 hollow tele i'm making just now.

The next thing is to decide what colour I should spray it now! Here are some pictures of my previous attempts!



Natural plus black burst and sandpapered binding


Orange plus black burst


Cherry sunburst


And finally the current 'smashed up' state


Which one should I go for?!

As for how I go about bursts, the 'cherry' burst was done by eye with my paint gun and all the others were done using the body template technique. That's the one where you take a thin piece of ply or card or something and cut it with the outline of the body. Place small blocks of wood in the pickup routes and line up the template with the profile of the body below. I put a weight on the template to keep it from moving with the blast of air from the gun. Now, you just spray onto the body at an angle. You can adjust the width and strength of the burst by raising/lowering the template from the body, or by adjusting the angle of spray ie if you point the gun directly down onto the body you will get a very small dark burst, but if you spray inbetween the template and body the burst will be softer and wider. I find this technique to be much better than the 'by eye' approach. It may not look it in the picutres, but I chose that picture as it looked best in it. The other pictures are on a camera phone.


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