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That neck looks great. What finish are you going for on the explorer?

Any progress on the strat?

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ziracote isnt overly expensive. I have had it from larry davis at $35 a (bass sized) fretboard, craft suppliers in the uk for £10 (($20) guitar sized)) and from lmii for just over $10 i think (guitar sized again).

the stuff from lmii was workable but nowhere near the quality i got from larry. Larry's was noticably harder, oilier and darker - just what you want from fretboards, the lmii stuff was a little dull looking and a bit dry. i have had a few really good pieces from craft supplies in the uk but i went and picked them myself - you cant trust their mail order

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for the explorer i am thinking about a deep blood red colour.... the strat is currently being sprayed by nath (cousin, sprayer, and my future 2nd in command of the guitar building empire we will surely have :D ) - i want the back black he wants to bring that into a little burst on the front. I have to let him experiment, we will see if it works :D you will get pics as soon as i do, hopefully it will be done before the end of october, as well as one other special project i havnt mentioned here

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I like the explorer natural, but I can see a blood red finish working well too. The limba's not exactly the most striking piece I've ever seen (though nice all the same), so jazzing it up with some colour is probably a good idea.

I know not everyone will like the 3 a side headstock but i feel the curve on the end of the headstock reflects the curve on the end of the body quite nicely

This was weird... I clicked the link to the full size photo, and formed this exact sentence in my head, only to close the pic and see it in the exact same words in your post...

I've long prefered the Ken Lawrence explorer headstock to the Gibson one, and the curve on yours reminds me a little of that (without the narrow bit in front of the swoop, that always seems a little too narrow on the KL ones... seems to push the two tuners right up to each other).

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cheers guys.

I am tempted to just have a single bridge pickup with single volume on this one - keep it simple and deadly

I have never liked the KL headstock if i am honest - it always makes me think of an angry ovation!!

the korina is of the idigbo variety. it has a great tap tone and is becomming my body wood of choice, especially for people on a budget. Sounds exactly like black limba but is cheap - definately uglier grain though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

here is an upclose shot of the ziracote fretboard, now fretted. It will probably end up a few shades darker but i really like it because it has a lot more flecking than normal


And the explorer has been routed for the kahler trem and 1 humbucker:


i should have some the strat back to assemble in a week or two!!

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Wheeew! That looks amazing!! I love zircote especially as a fretboard or acoustic back and sides. It's such a great looking wood and I agree that the flecking looks very cool, makes it stand out among zircote. I also like your inlays and it follows my code on using minimal inlays on beautiful woods like zircote, coco, anything flatsawn. To me it's so much better than using some blocks that will cover half the board, tough thing is blocks are one of my favs, but I will stick to the little code I made up for myself: little inlays on amazing looking stuff and whatever I want on normal quartered woods and ebony.

Anyhow, it's looking great and I can't wait to see how this turns out. Best of luck. J

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Hey Wez, what style Kahler is that? I don't know if you were in on the huge Kahler thread a while back, if you had an opinion on it. For my third build I'm planning a Kahler Hybrid, if only because of my Floyd-hatred, and don't want to shell out half the project's expenses on a "real" Kahler. I was just wondering if you had any Kahler experience. The Guitar Center down the street doesn't stock any guitars equipped with 'em :D

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cheers peeps! - i havnt used a proper kahler before but have wantd to try one for a while. I have used the 80's fender ones but they are a fulcrum trem. This one is a hybrid but its sunk into the body so i need to think of a way to allow adjustment

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its recessed 4mm into the body because apparently the saddles need to be raised at least 1/2" of the body surface and the bridge does not function well if they are left at there lowest setting - there is lots about the saddle height in the big kahler discussion, basically i got my neck angle geometry wrong for this bridge :D - it still happens occasionally

I dont mind though because i think the bridge looks a lot better slightly recessed because it looks a hell of a lot less bulky than it did sitting flush on the top, this is only a diddly explorer and the bridge looked huge!!!

As its recessed now the strings should touch the fretboard with the bridge set 1/2" (its lowest usable setting) and it will adjust upwards from there!!!

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got this back from the sprayer today:


Brightly lit so not like its real color but look at the reflections from the flannel:


this is closer to the real life colour:




It was suppossed to be finished for the end of august but i am running a little late - hopefully someone will come along and explain that to you all soon because Erik has a very nice 8 string fanned fret LP i bet he is just dying to show off!!

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test fit of parts, excuse the fingerprints





think i am going to have to darken off that bridge plate, maybe even remake it out of ebony but i am happy with how it fits together and looks

need to wire and do setup

On the bridge plate, i know not everyone will like the idea but i wanted to keep the LP neck angle because i think it really dictates how they play. the bridge plate helps to keep the feel of a LP - i will let you know if it was actually successful when i have the guitar set-up and playable!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

oh, i must have missed that post fookgub - are you arking me or mikro?? My LP has a 25" scale on the treble side and 26" on the bass. Subtle fanning that aids playability rather than going over the top. I like it - it feels really comfortable and very natural

Just got this back from the sprayer


we didnt use any flattening agents in the paint so although its a matt finish it should polish up in certain areas from use - i thought that would suit the vibe of the guitar better than doing a proper relic

anyway - i am quite happy with how the burst turned out, wasnt sure i liked the idea at first!!

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the bridges on the fanned fret are allparts ones. They work ok but i think i will use graphtech wilkinson trem saddles attached to a wooden plate if i do another one

here is a quick mock-up with parts:


gotta say - i am pretty damn thrilled with how this is turning out!!!

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