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7 String King V Build

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Fear of your power tools is a healthy thing, and if you lose it then you'll likely end up hurting yourself. Routers are very safe if you think before and during each pass. Just don't take too much wood or take it in the wrong direction, and make sure the router (and what you're running it on) is steady. Common sense really.

Spokeshaves are a really visceral way of shaping necks. I love em! Getting used to working with a neck and shaping it is awesome. Do you have a vice or something to clamp te neck to so you don't have to manipulate it whilst you carve? You may find the grain goes different directions on your laminates and you don't want to scrub with the spokeshave against the grain. It should be like butter. Woody maple-smelling butter.

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I bought this slotted Ebony board off Simo on here, and ROYAL MAIL BROKE IT!!

I seriously can't express how angry I am right now, hopefully Simo will help me sort it all out.

I'm not going to open the package of post pictures, since I might be more successful with an insurance claim if the package is unopened, but there is a clear flex in the package and I'm pretty sure a single piece of Ebony can't bend over 20 degrees at one point.



I'm really hoping this was an elaborate late April Fools joke, and the real thing is coming soon......

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I opened it up, and it is indeed broken, right at the 12th fret.

I'm wondering if it is remotely possible to glue+clamp it and get a remotely usable fretboard, but It might cause intonation issues later down the line.



Like I said, I don't have access to a decent camera until next week, so Its just my out-of-focus phone camera shots again.

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Ouch!!! I wouldn't try glueing it back together. Especially if it cracked right on a fret slot. Remember that a neck usually bows at the middle, around the 12th fret... Imagine what can happen if you have to use the truss rod? It might, probably will, cracked again. and that would ruin your day. It's bad, but I would order a new board instead of taking a guess.

You might have some problems when fretting the 12th fret.

I would ask to send the new board in a solid box and use some FRAGILE stickers. Those parcels handlers are Enemy No.1 of luthiers :D

Edited by MescaBug
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I came up with a jig/guide for hand cutting the headstock (it's probably been done before, but I've never seen it in a guitar related tutorial or anything)

Cut 1


it is still a bit oversized, I will probably use a belt sander and a plane to get it down to 15mm thickness all the way around, and I'll carve the volute and some of the back of the neck tomorrow too.

You can probably tell the headstock is a little short for a 7 in line headstock, I'm just gonna glue a little piece on the end with a rough scarf joint

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It's looking very rough right now, but I learned my lesson from gluing the neck blanks and I wiped off the excess. There is still a blood stain on the back of it from when I cut my hand with a saw and bled all over the maple :D

Plan of action:

Route and drill the wings for the bridge recess and string-thru holes

(Maybe add a headstock plate, since it is slightly too thin)

Install tuners and bridge

Test play to see if the frets are OK

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I agree with Killemall8 - the body does look very small.

Agreed, but then again, I printed out a CORRECT V outline that I made on the computer and put it over my build (I really don't trust the guy I ordered it from anymore), and my build needs about 2 more inches on the upper wing tip because I was an idiot when I was planning the build *shrug* Just gonna have to live with it right?

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I'm not sure about the accuracy of the tip to tip measurement, off the top of my head the tip to tip is around 400mm, and the diagonal length of the wings is about 500mm. IIRC it is very similar to the a Jackson KV2 I played a while back. Maybe it just looks small in the pictures because a) the fretboard is attached further out and b ) Jackson Vs have curved inner sides that make it pointer and look longer. Either that or my plan drawing failed.

Edited by Donut Man
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