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A little work with the sander on a couple of edges, some tape/paper on the fretboard, and we're ready for primer.



I'm going to empty a can and a half on the body & neck, sanding LIGHTLY with 220 between coats and after the final coat. This will take most of the day. Concurrently, I'm putting some finish on the Retrotron, I Am Curious Blue, and some chechen frames. Since I can't make any more dust today, I should do all the finishing I can.

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When I saw the froster bit work with the tuner shelf it made me wince. I also winced when I saw that you put the round-over bit into action with the router. But now that you've sanded it off and it doesn't look like a warped piece of furniature, I can see where you're going with this and it looks like you're in the right direction (for a corvus).

I would go black on the neck, and Home Depot orange with a mustard swirl for the control cavity cover :D

Now that I'm actually looking at it from an artist point of view rather than a critic, I can see some major potential as far as all the coloring goes. I'm thinking 80's with neon colored edges, a really dark body, some kind of crazy neon binding on the neck, and... Know what I mean? Evil mixed with burn-your-face-off fluorescent colors. Heck, I think that finish in the holoflash tutorial might suit this thing.

Okay, I think i'm probably going to enter this buildoff lol. You're giving me too many ideas.

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I would go black on the neck, and Home Depot orange with a mustard swirl for the control cavity cover :D

Okay, I think i'm probably going to enter this buildoff lol. You're giving me too many ideas.

Safety Orange would be obnoxiously fantastic. But I want this to be a little less intense.

You have until June 30th to have it done!

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Hey John...since you are painting this anyway...why not use some filler to neaten up the control cavity routing so it will look like it was perfect?

Also...have you tested the tuners to see if you are going to be able to effectively turn that low e...still looks awfully close!

I'm going to to a little finessing of the bass wing's bevel. The point of it hits me in the middle of my wrist - bad juju there.

ohhh...you found one of the many obvious design flaws! So many more to come... :D


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Hey John...since you are painting this anyway...why not use some filler to neaten up the control cavity routing so it will look like it was perfect?

Also...have you tested the tuners to see if you are going to be able to effectively turn that low e...still looks awfully close!

I straightened out the edge of the cavity with the template and the palm router. :D Thanks for pointing it out. Believe it or not, I didn't notice. I guess I was looking more for "does it fit" than "is it straight". I went back and leveled out that part of the template so it won't happen again.

I did test the low E tuner. There's plenty of room for the tuners I'm using.



Paint, paint, paint... tomorrow morning it's sand, paint, paint, paint... lather, rinse, repeat. The pics look a little gray, but it's just being photographed in the shade.



Black neck, black cavity cover, and some bullet-proofing with matte finish. It's great - there is a good thickness of finish, but you can't see or feel a thing.

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A decent color? That's ugly as hell (no offense John). It needs a super bright orange and a royal blue neck or a similar blue, that would be awesome.

Why not gold ?

Cause gold and blue would make it UofM colors, and I'm an MSU fan :D awesome that they're in the final four too :D

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Well if you're gonna go with football, go with the orange and add some brown and white in there :D Go Cleveland :D

The Browns haven't been worth a darn since Pal Brown left the team back in the early 60's. If only the team would have stayed put instead of moving to Baltimore, they'd have had an SB trophy now.

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Well if you're gonna go with football, go with the orange and add some brown and white in there :D Go Cleveland :D

The Browns haven't been worth a darn since Pal Brown left the team back in the early 60's. If only the team would have stayed put instead of moving to Baltimore, they'd have had an SB trophy now.

Yeah, I know, my dad and I weren't too thrilled when they got moved....

Paint's lookin' good. Is that table a foldup table by Huskie? Cause it looks like one I have.

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Besides... it's not THAT bad.

It is more yellow than I originally wanted. The can showed it to be more mustard than this. I like it though, so I'll stick with it.

:D ewwwwwwwwwwwww.... Flourescent Orange would be better. You know how I feel about these abominations anyway.... :D

jk -- you didn't think I would stop making fun of the C*^%&s did you?

BTW here is the Corvus for sale locally Craigslist

Edited by RestorationAD
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I'm sorry, did you miss me...

I don't have to make fun of the corvus, it's doing quite well on it's own now... :D

I have noted that every auction people have listed have not met the reserve, last link, no one bid at all...say no more :D


(secretly of course I'm driving the prices down so I can buy them all destroy them all before a plagues sets in)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The clear is on and leveled, then topped off with matte coat. I'm doing the assembly & wiring today. No pics because the wife left the camera at the in-law's house Sunday. I'll try to get it back tomorrow.

Since I'll be the first one done, I'll start the entry thread in the Announcements and Test Area section.

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