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frets beveled, leveled, and dressed




I know it LOOKS like there's a twist, but I swear it's a trick of the eye. I saw it a few weeks ago and THOROUGHLY investigated everything about the neck. Everything's level, even, and flat. Bizarre as he11, but it's really not there.

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things seem to go skewif around the 10th on the bass side and there seems to be a protrusion of frets past that on the treble - looks better than my first fret job though!

I found that the difference between my early fret jobs was quite noticeable - leaps and bounds ahead each time. this is why i would suggest that if you do have problems dont be shy in removing them and starting again. Its good re-fret practice :D

obviously only you actually have the neck in your hands so you will have to judge if problems do exist - but the photos seem to show issues (not talking about a twist)

one of my favoiite parts now is looking at freshly installed frets. holding the neck up to eye level and tilting it backwards and forwards tells you a lot, first thing to see is if all the frets are reflecting light the same way - i.e all points of light on the fretboard are in a perfect line. i find it a quick way to see potential problems

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It's actually my 2nd fret job. The 1st was on the LPjr. This one went better than the other, but I clearly still have a lot to learn.

things seem to go skewif around the 10th on the bass side and there seems to be a protrusion of frets past that on the treble

I'm not following what you're meaning here.

but the photos seem to show issues (not talking about a twist)

PLEASE elaborate, and then make suggestions on how to address what you're seeing.

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like i said - only you can be the real judge but i will try and explain what i see in those photos (which may very well be misleading!)

on the first photo looking down the bass side the 10th or 11th fret seems to be prominent. this is less evident from the other direction but the radius still looks slightly flatter. as if that fret doesnt follow the fretboard radius as well as the ones around it

then when i follow the edge of the treble side it seems to bulge out about the same place. it looks like a slight bulge in the binding or perhaps the fret ends are shaped slightly differently in this area - maybe it just needs somehting long and flat running down that edge to even it out. I held a ruler to my screen to see if i was imagining it due to the change in background. it wasnt conclusive

the 2nd photo looks loads better than the first but these slight visual delusions (who has been saying that, i like it and am stealing it :D ) are what i look for when QC'ing my own work because i have learnt that if it dont look quite right it most likely wont play quite right either

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Gotcha. I think I know what you're seeing.

Remember that I don't have a spray setup, so everything I do either comes from a rattle can or is brushed on? After taping off the f/b and spraying the black paint, I brushed on water-based poly. Instead of hanging the neck, I laid it on some riser blocks, f/b down. With the neck being curved, the finish tended to run a bit and gather at the edge of the f/b. It's currently thick & a bit gummy at the edge of the f/b in places. I haven't looked at those exact spots, but I'll bet that's what it is.

But hey... thanks for trying to look out for an issue I might have missed. I really appreciate it. :D

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polishing up the frets

taped off


the complex machinery




mung wiped off with alcohol & tape removed


natural light shot


This is where I was about a week and a half ago. The finish on the top had an odd reaction and developed some dark patches, so I had to strip it off completely and start over. That threw me behind by about a week. I put my last coat of finish on the top this past Monday. I'm letting it sit and cure until this upcoming Monday, primarily because I'm keeping the basement clean for my daughter's birthday party/sleepover this weekend.

So.... Monday I should start buffing out the finish and begin the assembly. Since the wiring has NEVER gone off right the first time for me, expect some wiring troubleshooting by Tuesday or Wednesday.

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So.. the 9th of June was a week and a half ago?.. :D

( I might be missing something here.. )

Uh... no. Tuesday was the 9th. What are you talking about? :D

Might be mistaken here, but I'm under the impression that the pics you're posting are taken a week and a half back, but the EXIF-info in the pictures state that they are taken 9th of June between 9 and 10am. Am I making sense?

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bloody hell cactus - does it matter? either the date on the camera is wrong or avenger took the pics on a different day - either way they are still honest pictures of a guitar he is making and showing for discusssion.

worst case scenario is he is telling a little white lie about current progress - although I am not sure what the point of that would even be ???

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Nope, the EXIF-data shows the time of exposure. It also says what camera was used, shutter speed, aperture value, if flash was fired and a whole bunch of other stuff.

And what is the point of this? Do you have nothing better to do than go through everyones photos and check up on if they are real or not? To see who might be fibbing a little? I have pictures that I took last week of progress that is 3 weeks old, does it matter?

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No big deal really, mostly I got confused and curious because he earlier said he was about 2weeks ahead. Something tripped my train of thought.. and that led to this. The whole thing came out wrong, I should've kept it to myself - never meant to create controversy. :D

As for the guitar - honestly, it's exceeding my expectations. So keep up the work and the pics coming - wanna see this one finished.

Edited by Cactus
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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally had some time to work on the finish today. It managed to sit and cure an extra week - not necessarily a bad thing.

before leveling


after leveling


buffed up to 4000


polished up - inside


polished up - outside


Tomorrow, I'll try and show some work on either the back or the neck.

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