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Burl Table for the Wife


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been traveling and working on the finish....which doesn't show a lot of variety in pictures. Here's a few purely for documentation.


It is difficult to see the surface variations is this shot. They exist and need to be leveled before the next coat goes on.


They show up a bit better here.


This is good stuff.


I've been pumping in the resin and letting it sit a bit to let bubbles rise. Then I hit it with a hair dryer which thins it and lets the bubbles rise even better and helps pop them at the surface. Then add the hardener and stir slowly and gently and  let that sit for about 5 minutes. Then pour it on and spread it around with a squeegee. Next is the magic part. You go over the surface with the flame from  a propane torch. Bubbles almost jump to the surface and pop. You have to stay far enough away to not burn anything and it was too tricky to get an action shot. Then I watch it flow and see if any low spots develop. I save back a bit of epoxy in the cup and add a bit to any low spots and then torch those.


here the top has had all the surface sanded to 220 and wiped with alcohol.


And that was the last pour. This stuff fully cures in 5 to 8 days. Then I'll do the final leveling and polishing.


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8 hours ago, Andyjr1515 said:

Well...the WOW first.  And many thanks for the talk through the propane torch/bubbles techniques  :rock

Cheers Andy!

That's a relatively simple step that makes all the difference in the world, and one I knew nothing about previously. Thank goodness for youtube videos, although be fair, Total Boat does include the step in their directions.


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7 minutes ago, avengers63 said:

I'm more of a Marvel guy than DC

Couldn't find that as a figurine... And the colour is a better match in the drawing.

Marvel or DC, I know the names but never really bothered. It's more of an American thing, I guess. They come and go, often along a movie. Occasionally they publish hard cover albums containing a story line. The only American comic booklet that really has stood the test of time here is Donald Duck, starting from 1952 and still going strong!

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26 minutes ago, ScottR said:

Calvin and Hobbes rocks!

That's very popular here as well, running repeatedly in several newspapers. And hardcovers. But not as a magazine.

18 minutes ago, avengers63 said:

I currently have  10K books worth about $80K.

Wow! I subscribed the Donald Duck magazine in 1986 and have saved every issue since. They're not worth the nominal price tag. Plus they've digitized every issue from the very start and the permission to read them plus the monthly pocket books plus other spinoffs is included into the subscription. They've also reissued facsimile volumes starting from the first year,  publishing annually after 40 years of the first publication. They're obviously popular as birthday gifts. The only valuable ones are from the fifties, the Snow White special issue from 1952 being the most expensive at €20K. From the eighties onwards they only have some value as pristine volumes -  at some stage a couple of years ago many magazines were already split at the fold so even though I've saved mine in binders their value has been reduced already at the printing house. Guess I might as well dump my collection to get some more storage for something else - like guitars! - and go digital...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm declaring it done.

The final pics frankly don't look much different than earlier shots, but I know that the top is level and polished. None of the pours left me with a flat top without miner surface flaws like dust and fibers and house fly foot prints.



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And after placing the table between other furniture she won't say something like "Oh, that turquoise doesn't match with the sofa" or "That's way too dark, can't you paint it" or even "All those nooks and crannies gather way too much dust, can't you just cut that top round and replace the leg with a brass trumpet?"

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10 hours ago, Bizman62 said:

And after placing the table between other furniture she won't say something like "Oh, that turquoise doesn't match with the sofa" or "That's way too dark, can't you paint it" or even "All those nooks and crannies gather way too much dust, can't you just cut that top round and replace the leg with a brass trumpet?"

Actually no, that won't be an issue.

What does have me terrified though is her OCD driven desire to cover every horizontal surface in the house with crap. It's important crap to her, that she's spent untold hours pursuing and collecting. That top does not need covering up or risking getting scratched up moving a bunch of nick-knacks around on it.:wacko:


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22 hours ago, ScottR said:

to cover every horizontal surface in the house with crap. It's important crap to her, that she's spent untold hours pursuing and collecting.

Well, I'd consider that better than covering every horizontal surface with random crap. That's the story of our desktops. Well, crap might be exaggerating, it's just liberally placed everyday items. Which then leads to questions like "where's my phone/sunglasses/purse..."

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/23/2023 at 11:03 PM, Mr Natural said:

It came out great Scott- how's the wife like it? 

Hey Scotty, long time no see!

The wife claims to like it, and she put it very near her favorite chair, in her line of sight - she says so she can look at it every time she sits in that chair.

So, she's looking at it A LOT.  I guess she really does like it.


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