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I, and seven other people, just got laid off yesterday. Today I went out to a place to hand in my resume, the job is for the exact same thing I was just doing, night shift finishing, and they basically said I was exactly what they were looking for and they'd call me in a day or two and if I don't have another job I would probably start Monday. My old job was $13hr, the add for this job said $12hr - $15hr. This is kinda cool, get laid off and the next day find a job doing the exact same thing that (possibly) pays more. :D

...Plus I just got a $964 tax return. B):D

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sucks that ya got layed off >.< I got layed off, but it was only in fast food, (arby's at the mall) and they had gone out of business. But in a way, it sounds like you basically just got a raise B) sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo congrats? :D

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I just got layed off myself a few weeks ago. Samick bought out Kurzweil where I work and layed all us techs off except for one. They said we can still work for them as 'contract' workers since they still have lotsa work that needs to get done. This means I can work but I have to pay my own taxes and I lose all my benefits and vacation time B):D

They just announced last week that they're moving to City of Industry in CA in 2 months. Looks like I'm going back into the communications business.

I'm tryin to turn all this into something good since I got my business license and a few customers but it won't sustain me yet.

Good luck on the job hunting Lex!. :D

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Kirk you a Kurzweil tech? You just made the list of my top 100 favorite people ;-) I own a 2500 X which I love to death and I already know a guy who works as a Kurzweil rep at a music store and now you...that's cool.

btw, I hope all works out for you Lex, doesn't sound too shabby

so long


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Today I went out to a place to hand in my resume, the job is for the exact same thing I was just doing, night shift finishing, and they basically said I was exactly what they were looking for and they'd call me in a day or two and if I don't have another job I would probably start Monday

The job blows. B):D The place is absolutely DISGUSTING! I don't think they have ever cleaned the finishing room, at all! They don't even use proper filtering in the booth, half the duct is covered by a filter that has NEVER BEEN CHANGED, and the other half is completely open. I cleaned out about 25GALLONS of lacquer/paint/primer dust on Teusday when I had some free time to clean the booth. There are dissassembled spray guns all over the place, and the guns and pressure pots we use are neglected. The compressor is right next to the booth, and is COVERED with overspray. The dayshift sprayer only wears a DUSTMASK when he sprays. He's completely fried his brain. The guy doesn't always make sense and slurs his speech when he talks, kinda like he's drunk, and walks funny too. :D It's sad the way some people don't care about there health. Monday night nobody really explained to me what jobs had to be done, so I was there until 5:00AM finishing everything. Plus the boss says I'm REALLY slow at doing the work, so I'm thinking I'll just get fired in a week or two anyways. I'm quiting tomorrow. :DB):D

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