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anyone had experience with the EMG-HZ line? I've only used their active pickups. More specifically, anyone used the single coil HZs? I have another project that includes a pair of single coils (maybe a pair of S3s or an S3 and S4) rear routed in a strat, tele style (like the ritchie blackmore strat). again, I'm open to other suggestions too. i'm wiring this one volume/3 way/preamp booster.

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haaa yeah i remember the select line.. i selected them for the trash..

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We stock emg's at the store I work at and the HZ are almost as expensive as the active line...but they don't sound near as good. There are a lot of other company's that make better passive pickups.

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Well, one day we were very bored at the shop so we wired up a fulltone strat(cheap strat copy) with Lace Sensor Holy Grails and installed an earvana nut just for fun. We had a '55 Fender Strat and an old old Fender Princeton. We cranked the Fender setup and obviously it is the sound every player would love to have. We then plugged the loaded up Fulltone strat into the same amp, same settings and it was amazingly close. It wasn't the same... but it was very close. I'm not sure if you want single coils or humbuckers but lace has a new humbucker out called the Hemi. I haven't heard them yet but if they perform like the HG's then they'd be great.

Seymour Duncan makes a ton of pickups and most of them are very good. A combination that has become very popular is a the '59 model in the neck and JB model in the bridge. The Pearly Gates is also very cool. The single coils to get are the JB jr. and little '59. They aren't as weak as most single coils and they don't hum. They also have 4-conductor cable.

Wiring up a the series parallel deal is fairly simple. You can do it with a mega switch or using a dpdt switch. If you need a schematic or something just shoot me an email.

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  • 1 year later...
i agree emg selects are crap, but you gotta keep in mind the pricetag - its not like they cost $75US.

Ive seen EMG select humbucker pickups for $20US

Yeah, 20 dollars worth of ka-ka. I had some EMG HZ's in my beater Jackson and they were terrible. I use them as paperweights at my desk at work. JB bridge and Jazz neck. Yum. :D

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Um, just to interject a little something into the HZ-hating, doesn't Seymour Duncan make the HZ line for EMG in California? I see all these people recommending Duncans or any other pickup over the HZ's, but it seems kind of silly considering that Duncan makes them and they sound pretty good, IMHO.

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well didn't know duncan was making them but then again my first seven string jb i got from them was total crap. but the next one was beautiful

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