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Everything posted by westhemann

  1. i don't know if it is the pickups or the design itself...but the sustain is very good. when i swap pups i will have a better idea
  2. http://fullservesite.com/westhemann/gibson...20plus%2099.bmp it's up now
  3. fullservesite is down maybe in the morning
  4. Gibson 490 and 498 humbuckers.not burstbuckers
  5. i have a picture of my installation of them in my unfinished neck thru tutorial thing....
  6. bolt on?stay with the standard 1.75"..you might slim it to 1 5/8"...but that's it if it was set neck or neck through...i would say 1 1/2" minimum
  7. it is only polite to let them know of the search feature. i could delete it...but locking it up is better...BUT maybe after he searches he will have a more specific question he can ask here
  8. oh my gawd there are SO many topics on this subject.do a search
  9. i do not smoke weed...however i greatly support making it legal for others to do so. nobody ever gets stoned and decides to beat people up
  10. ron uses a dremel to create a channel just off the edge of the fingerboard and sets the purfling in..pretty much like stated above ← well it IS a gorgeous alternative to standar binding methods. i think it would look great on a maple board with ebony strips...or vice versa
  11. but the auction proved you guilty,whether through intent or ignorance it does not matter in the least,as far as calling you on it goes. and i posted what i posted on my own,without any intention of ganging up...only intending to straighten you out. maybe it could have been handled in a more diplomatic manner,BUT...considering the outright flaunting of guys eager to break the law on this forum lately...and a general "who cares about fraud" attitude shown by many,then maybe you could YOURSELF be a little more understanding of the reason for my tone,rather than lashing out like a wounded bear,and then taking your ball and threatening to go home(to steal a couple of lame sayings). anyway...as my boss always said..."let's just move forward from here,and try not to let it happen again"
  12. i am an ironworking foreman..i make decent money....almost 4 times minimum wage,and i do consistently work overtime as well. but i have outstanding credit...so i can buy what i want,when i want it,at any place that accepts visa or mastercard. and then i have to become a monk for a while to pay it all off.but it is worth it. an lp special is,if i am not mistaken,a low end gibson...lp studio is one step above that...studio plus...2 steps. a good fretjob = level frets,perfect crowning,well polished(feels slick when played),nice smooth bevel at the fret ends(not too much bevel...the strings will slide off.) what really impresses me is the well thought out design.i guess that is what you get from selling guitars for over a century. i just lowered the action a tiny bit...it plays like butter. oh...i have 9 guitars in playing condition,about a 1/2 dozen more in pieces or being constructed,one more guitar on the way,4 working amps,and one more on the way
  13. so if it is all a misunderstanding just relist it properly and be done with it.there is no witch hunt.i and others are just taken aback by all the fraudulent claims and misleading wording. i am inclined to believe what you say,just because i tend to believe everyone unless proven otherwise.i am not cynical...i believe most people are basically honest. but you and i both know you would get more money for that guitar by listing it like you did,which makes it dishonest. if you list it as an entirely home built guitar with no brand affiliation,you will be lucky to get 1/2 of what you would get with it listed as is.that makes a fool of the buyer....see my point?
  14. at least you can see the points. look...this sort of thing is...bottom line...dishonest if you don't like the way we reacted...then maybe next time you will think twice before trying to make money through false advertising. as was mentioned before...even the specs you claim are "exact" are NOTHING like exact.
  15. well..i just got my lp in today...lp studio plus 99,for those keeping track. first thing i notice about this guitar is that it is gorgeous...fit and finish are perfect. it was not set up perfectly...had to lower the bridge pickup.i need to lower the action...small stuff. plays great,even with the slightly high action...the balance of the instrument is perfect.stays right where you put it.this surprised me,to be honest.i expected it to be neck heavy,which it is not. pickups are exceptional...yes i will replace them,through no fault of their own...i prefer emg.but the originals are very nice...great liquid tone. the guitar is resonant.very much so in fact.the mahogany used is gorgeous and straight grained,while the AA flame maple top is subtly beautiful. fretwork is also exceptional. the guitar sounds great,looks great,IS great...well worth the $1200 or so they usually cost comparisons between it and the agile i bought a while back?there is no comparison. this guitar just proves to me that those who claim the agile is as good,or even nearly as good,as a real gibson,either have no clue about guitars,do not know how to set up their guitars,cannot play the instrument well enough to hear a difference,or have piss poor les pauls. let me just say that there are many versions of the les paul...the les paul studio seems in this case to be a fine instrument...i am sure all the more pricey models are also very nice...but there are some very cheap lp versions out there and it is not fair to judge all gibsons based on those low grade,low priced instruments. anyway i heartily reccomend that everyone that wants an lp studio should treat themselves to one...you won't be sorry. i hope when my steinberger comes in it is as well made
  16. can of worms...opened...worms everywhere...can't..get..them..all!
  17. that is a home made fraud.no manufacturer would design a body that poorly.
  18. that is the dumbest thing i have heard in a long list of dumb things ignorant people have written in the entire time i have been a member of this forum. it belongs on stereokiller.com
  19. in all honesty,feylya...the seven string vee i built has an original floyd on it...and i give you my word that if there is ANY tone degradation with the original floyd,i could not tell you where..and i am really picky about such things. it is a very massive,heavy,hardened piece of steel...and that guitar with it on there gives more sustain and richer tone than -hands down-ANY guitar i have ever played...including les pauls and guitars with string thru t.o.m. bridges think about a t.o.m. anyway...not much more actual contact between bridge and inserts than you get with a floyd anyway,especially when you consider the springs in the back ...and i think the extra mass of the floyd may make up for that. MUCH more important is wood selection and build quality.of course,with that ltd you probably have neither good wood selection OR build quality...not picking on esp...just mass produced low end guitars in general
  20. http://www.behringer.com/AB100/index.cfm?lang=ENG this could be nice...vintage clean and modern high gain(switching between 2 amps)...as long as there is no signal leakage now how would i play 2 heads individually through the same cabinets? http://www.behringer.com/TO100/index.cfm?lang=ENG this one i have my doubts about...the original tube screamer has actual tube distortion.....if i am not mistaken
  21. a milling machine would not work for you?i realize they obviously need more hands on time...but they are much cheaper
  22. i suggest next time making it obvious in the title that it is a home made guitar. the entire ebay ad is an obvious fraud.that extra added bit you put in when you were busted does not fool me.it may anger you to be called out on it,but not as much as decietful selling practices anger me and i quote everything in that paragraph is meant to convey the message that this is an original n2.the word custom in the title was convieniently made to look as if you were referring to the paint,when reading that paragraph.shame on you.try a bit of honesty next time this was worth quoting again...what exactly are you telling these people is rare?home made guitars or the original model?hmmpff disgraceful i think if you meant to be honest about it you would have given a link to the auction in the classifieds of this site...you would have recieved more interest that way,since alot of these guys liked it..the fact that you did not is also very suspicous
  23. be careful...alot of set neck guitars are epoxied together
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