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Everything posted by rob

  1. I am STILL looking for 8 inch speakers for an 8X8 cab I only got two! but I have made a 2X12 guitar cab though and it sounds very unique. BTW 8's are for bass
  2. just brought coral fang- The distillers
  3. no popups either for me, thats pretty cool
  4. ummm I don't know alot a bout steaming, but hasant your nice peice of maple just spent like two years drying out?
  5. rob

    Budget Pickups

    hilow new member, the smileys are cool, arn't they? And I would go with kent armstrongs.
  6. congrats on all your hard work jehle! You are now a VIP cos of all your hard work protecting this site! Welldone that man!
  7. is it like a key dupilicator?
  8. horra! good points... wellI always dream a bout making guitars, so making one on a cnc machine would be considered a challenge for me cos, after all, we are all normal people who love guitars, aand we would do any thing for them. And its a shiney new tool!
  9. same on toes thing but thats if freaking nice!
  10. sweet! is it hot cos I can smell ya feet
  11. yep my gramps has one with buffer and grinder
  12. oh yeah, i saw the being reviewed in guitar buyer, but i didn't see any thing bout tabbing?
  13. what is this power tab you speak of?
  14. I'm with 8 there, and keep following the dream...
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