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Unleashing the Mod from Hell

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So your saying post quality will be part of the new system, instead of post quanity?  Wow that is a new concept for this forum.. :D

Yes, that and a few other criteria will get you the new title(s).

Nothing will be automatic.

You will have to EARN the title(s) with hard work and experience; not with clicks of the mouse.

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ok, the PM thing may be bad but I dont have a better idea.

I beleive Brian said something like 200 posts were needed to become an advanced supporter but I may also be wrong.

the new points system for the title tags is a very good idea(helps ppl see who has the know and who does not)

will the advanced supporter thing fall to the wasteside or will donations still get you file privees?

ok again great weekend

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Hey, this may seem random.. but it seems like people are making suggestions on here.


Is it possible to set it so that you can hover a topic with your mouse and see a little bit of the post? so if its somthing your not intrested in its not totally killing your time to look at all the posts.

Its not a real important thing, but Ive seen it on other sites... it seems like a good idea.

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rsera- I'm not totally sure, but I believe Brian is going to continue with the "donations for access" format he's had going. This won't get you a TITLE, but it will get you access so you can eventually get a TITLE.

Doc- Let's finish sweeping the floor before we hang a new chandlier. Cool? :-)

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We had a discussion about a ranking system a while back, and my opinion hasn't changed. I'm all for cleaning up the forum, but a ranking system? Pfffft. I won't bother arguing, though, because part of a regime change means acquiescing to modifications, whether I like them or not.

Bring it on, and I'll still be a member. I'm not going anywhere. :D But I think it's a crap-tastic idea.


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Hey, this may seem random.. but it seems like people are making suggestions on here.


Is it possible to set it so that you can hover a topic with your mouse and see a little bit of the post? so if its somthing your not intrested in its not totally killing your time to look at all the posts.

Its not a real important thing, but Ive seen it on other sites... it seems like a good idea.

They have that on Talkbass, and I find it REALLY annoying.

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I'm kinda wondering what the big pay-off is for working your §§§§ off to earn some title. Sure, I could go into full detail to tell someone how to do fret-work in a way that makes people want to pay you to do it , but I don't see the point. Talk about "hard work", maybe the question askers need to at least buy some books/videos and experiment, instead of expecting it all to be laid out for them on the internet.

Also wondering if past post will count towards this " hard work for title" program.

Looks like some people just can't accept internet forums for what they are.

I'm not even interested in a title. I keep my FSI badge in my pocket.

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I'm kinda wondering what the big pay-off is for working your §§§§ off to earn some title. Sure, I could go into full detail to tell someone how to do fret-work in a way that makes people want to pay you to do it , but I don't see the point. Talk about "hard work", maybe the question askers need to at least buy some books/videos and experiment, instead of expecting it all to be laid out for them on the internet.

Also wondering if past post will count towards this " hard work for title" program.

Looks like some people just can't accept internet forums for what they are.

I'm not even interested in a title. I keep my FSI badge in my pocket.

That's actually true. I would have to write 10 books on guitar building to even get VIP (Very Important Person) and it looks like I'll only have enough energy to write 9.. so looks like I better stick with Advanced Supporter. lol.. :D Giving out information you learned the hard way, is a two edged sword, for one thing your helping out alot of truely interested people who would have eventually found out the same information later simply because they have enough interest and desire to learn guitar buillding that nothing will stop them, and then you have people who don't care to research and want it all handed to them on a silver plater. Which actually, I don't think will help them in the long run anyway, because if you don't have enough desire to learn, then you probably won't have the same desire to build. There's a big difference in knowing and doing.

What Soapbar is bringing up is a very interesting question. For example... If Soapbarstrat gave out his whole method of fretting in a tutorial, people are gaining knowledge of what he's learned over the years, but what does he get in exchange, if anything, less fret jobs since now some know how to do what he does. That's why some people are very leary about giving away too much information. I can understand that, since alot are in a business and depend on that information to make them money. In that case I can totally understand someones frame of thinking. I'm not in a business, so I really enjoy sharing ideas and information freely, someday that might change, but for now it's been really fun to try to help others out. As far as the new badge system, I don't know what could be done for that, but I'm sure you guys will figure it out.

But please don't take away Soaps FSI(fret scene investigator) badge, he's keeping an eye out for bad fretting advice. lol He's even caught me in some questionable fretting methods and I'm very glad he did. Bring out your FSI badge Soap, because wherever there is bad fretting going on, I know you'll be on the scence of the crime. B) LOL.. Guess he doesn't want a new badge, but he's proud of his old one.

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I'm kinda wondering what the big pay-off is for working your §§§§ off to earn some title.  Sure, I could go into full detail to tell someone how to do fret-work in a way that makes people want to pay you to do it , but I don't see the point. Talk about "hard work", maybe the question askers need to at least buy some books/videos and experiment, instead of expecting it all to be laid out for them on the internet.

Also wondering if past post will count towards this " hard work for title" program.

Looks like some people just can't accept internet forums for what they are.

I'm not even interested in a title. I keep my FSI badge in my pocket.

Slow down. Everyone.

Soapbar- sorry man, but there is no big payoff. Only the gratification that you might be helping others, and they might help you out someday. No one has asked you to 'tell all' and reveal all your favorite tips and tricks, or for a full layout of your fretting expertise. If you don't want to post, you don't have to. If you feel the person needs to experiment before you help out any further, then that's the way it is (or they can get info from someone else). There's no gun to your head saying "POST NOW OR ELSE!". It's entirely up to you whether you want to or not.

As stated before, post count will NOT be a factor in determining titles.

Some members here (you know who you are) will get IMMEDIATE titles. There will be no questions, or project reviews, or any other criteria to be met. They've done it, and they're good at it, and that's all there is to it. They all earned their title a while ago and we will now recognize them for it so the rest of the forum can see as well.

If you have a title and desire access to the rest of the site, then contact Brian. He's a VERY nice guy and can easily see that your knowledge is well worth having on the rest of the site. Some folks will pay for access with dollar bills, and some folks will pay for it with their past sweat and thumb-nicks.

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As stated before, post count will NOT be a factor in determining titles.

I didn't mean the number of previous posts, I meant the content (helpfulness) of all past post by any particular member.

Seems that building a complete guitar is what counts as far as these titles go. That's ok by me. The last thing I would want is to be labled a fretting expert, then everytime a fretting question pops up, it's like Soap, Guitarfrenzy, and whoever else is expected to pop up.

I'm trying to think what else the tiles are "good for". Bottom line with this title thing is that nobody knows it all, even in a specific area. I'm not the ultimate master of fretting and it's quite reasonable for a 15 year old with 6 months experience to actually come along with an advanced piece of advice on the subject. The guys that build complete guitars don't know it all either.

Sorry if I'm "going too fast". and don't be sorry about the "payoff " thing, that's old news to me.

I can shut up, if you want, but I find this reorganization thing interesting, so that's why I've posted what I have.

I know Brian's a nice guy, that's why he's got a pretty darn popular forum, even though many say it needs a rennovation.

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The LAST thing we want is for the hardcore members to shut up. It's you guys that get the new generation into building, customizing, and experimenting. Like I've said before, if it wasn't for the veterans teaching the new, and the new running off on their own ideas, we'd all be customizing our Rickenbackers. :-)

You are correct: *content* of past posts will be a factor regarding titles. "Dude- that looks great!" is a nice compliment, but doesn't really help JoeSchmoe with his Floyd route issue.

We will probably have a few members, with a couple of titles, that have less than 20 total posts. But man, in those 20....wow...they've dished out help, hints and advice above and beyond some of the 1500+ post members.

We're not expecting someone with a title to know it all (well, except for Steven Hawking). What we're hoping to achieve is that the new guys will take the advice and hints/tricks from those with titles and put those to good use. Sure- some folks without titles will have good ideas as well, but the basis for what they're trying to accomplish should start with what an 'expert' has to say, and work from there. You don't build a house starting with the roof, right?

The titles (or as you put it, labels) aren't meant to shove questions down your throat. They're designed to guide people in the right direction. You certainly don't have to post an answer to every single question posed to you, but if you feel the desire to help out...hey, that's great! The more folks with titles, the more options the new guys have to look for, and the more angles they can attack a project from.

I'll start the "Titles" thread tonight (Announcements area). Suggestions are welcome, and greatly appreciated. Also, if you are offered a title and DON'T want it, we can do that as well. We can talk about it more in there. I hope you guys like the idea as much as Brian and I do. We'll try it out for a few months, see what happens. If it sucks and gets totally OC, then we'll ditch it.

We're not doing "Extreme Makeover" here; we're doing "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy".


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We're not doing "Extreme Makeover" here; we're doing "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy".


since when have gay men become the standard for all things fashionable, including how to treat a woman right? after all...they can't do it...

sorry kevan, know it's out of place. delete it even. everytime that show's brought up, though, i have to make that point. and others should see that, too!

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We're not doing "Extreme Makeover" here; we're doing "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy".


Ok, then we need more topics like :

-- Where can I get a rainbow pickguard for my paisley tele ?

-- Will a precision bass neck fit into a Jackson dinky body ?

and then we might be required to have an avatar showing us posing in front of a pink and purple background.

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Wow...don't you think 6 pages of conflict over 1-2 littles changes shows how pathetic it is? This is a forum, not a structured jail system. Do what you want Mr. Moderator, but I guarentee the reason we have 40+ amazing guitar builders here is the atmosphere. Don't ruin it by setting this place up as if they should be priveleged to post their knowledge.

I come here to learn, meet guitar builders and talk as if we were in person. I want to read these topics as if they were a conversation from one man to another...not an article written for a general audience.

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I've decided not to bitch until I am sure I like it or dont like it. Whats the point making a big stink over what you think might happen, even tho it is against the plans? Not saying that, but if there is a problem, we'll hash it out when it arises like adults, not whine and cry over hypothecical situations.

But you can bet your car that WHEN something happens I dont agree with, I will speak up.

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Don't ruin it by setting this place up as if they should be priveleged to post their knowledge.
They're not privlidged. *WE* are.

I come here to learn, meet guitar builders and talk as if we were in person. I want to read these topics as if they were a conversation from one man to another...not an article written for a general audience.

The Forum will remain "conversational", but the tutorials (on the main site) will be like...um...tutorials.

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What we're trying NOT to do, is have the Forum become stuffy and un-fun. I have this feeling that the members of the RollsRoyce Forum can't party like we can.

Well they might be able to....they'd have the money to give it their best shot....in the end we'd still have cooler guitars

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Don't ruin it by setting this place up as if they should be priveleged to post their knowledge.
They're not privlidged. *WE* are.

ya but he said 'don't set it up as if they should be'

which i don't think you will anyway B)

(well, except for Steven Hawking)

stephen gets a title here? cool! will he be taking bets on black holes? :D

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Wow...don't you think 6 pages of conflict over 1-2 littles changes shows how pathetic it is? This is a forum, not a structured jail system. Do what you want Mr. Moderator, but I guarentee the reason we have 40+ amazing guitar builders here is the atmosphere. Don't ruin it by setting this place up as if they should be priveleged to post their knowledge.

I come here to learn, meet guitar builders and talk as if we were in person. I want to read these topics as if they were a conversation from one man to another...not an article written for a general audience.

You hit it right on with this one.

I just think the guys that run the site are giving themselves a huge headache with this titles thing. I feel bad for guys that perhaps have made guitar pickguards and nothing else. I doubt they want a "pickguard specialist" title. Perhaps in 2 months they also learn to wind pickups, then their title has to be changed ?

Many people can't even be sure if they are experienced enough to be called a specialist in a specific area. And it's always changing. I bet some of you guys get real interested in painting guitars for a while, learn many procedures in doing so, then you lose much interest in that and get into something else, like guitar electronics. But your " pro painter" title will remain like a ball and chain.

Perhaps I should actually learn more about what this title thing is all about, before I rant in detail like this. I see there's a pinned thread now about titles, I'll check it out.

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I just think the guys that run the site are giving themselves a huge headache with this titles thing. I feel bad for guys that perhaps have made guitar pickguards and nothing else. I doubt they want a "pickguard specialist" title. Perhaps in 2 months they also learn to wind pickups, then their title has to be changed ?

Many people can't even be sure if they are experienced enough to be called a specialist in a specific area. And it's always changing. I bet some of you guys get real interested in painting guitars for a while, learn many procedures in doing so, then you lose much interest in that and get into something else, like guitar electronics. But your " pro painter" title will remain like a ball and chain.

Perhaps I should actually learn more about what this title thing is all about, before I rant in detail like this. I see there's a pinned thread now about titles, I'll check it out.

I think only cetain people are getting the special badges, and it would be someone who stands out in that particular field, like LGM, not someone who just finished painting their first guitar and did a really good job on it, for example.

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Well, it says in the other new thread that if you've made a guitar with a swiss army knife, you're a master builder. maybe it's a joke, but that's what was written. One could also say if you "airbrushed" your guitar by blowing paint through a straw, you're in the pro-finisher department.

I think with 95% of the full builds we see, that look pro, the builder was "winging it" on a lot of stuff. To put it another way, what's considered "master builder" status here (by those who want to be such a judge) would not " cut it" if you walked into Fender's custom shop and applied for a job there.

Are we all going to be allowed to have an avatar that is our business logo ?

Can the signature refer to our business ?

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I just think the guys that run the site are giving themselves a huge headache with this titles thing.  I feel bad for guys that perhaps have made guitar pickguards and nothing else. I doubt they want a "pickguard specialist" title. Perhaps in 2 months they also learn to wind pickups, then their title has to be changed ?

They do not *have to* have a badge or title. If one is offered, they can either accept or decline (say yes or no).

Many people can't even be sure if they are experienced enough to be called a specialist in a specific area. And it's always changing.  I bet some of you guys get real interested in painting guitars for a while, learn many procedures in doing so, then you lose much interest in that and get into something else, like guitar electronics. But your " pro painter" title will remain like a ball and chain.

See above where I said: "They do not *have to* have a badge or title. If one is offered, they can either accept or decline (say yes or no)."

Perhaps I should actually learn more about what this title thing is all about, before I rant in detail like this. I see there's a pinned thread now about titles, I'll check it out.

Good call. There's a link to the new thread at the bottom of this post.

Well, it says in the other new thread that if you've made a guitar with a swiss army knife, you're a master builder. maybe it's a joke, but that's what was written.

Wow. Ok. I will stop trying to be "fun and humorus" and just be literal. Do we really have to put EXACT examples behind each Badge and Title? Come on....

One could also say if you "airbrushed" your guitar by blowing paint through a straw, you're in the pro-finisher department.

I think with 95% of the full builds we see, that look pro, the builder was "winging it" on a lot of stuff.

I saw a guy who 'airbrushed' using jet engines (Lear 20). His artwork sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Simply because you're using different tools doesn't mean you're doing it incorrectly.

To put it another way, what's considered "master builder" status here (by those who want to be such a judge) would not " cut it" if you walked into Fender's custom shop and applied for a job there.
If you have a better title, I'd love to hear it. Actually, I think almost all of those Brian, Wes, CerealK and myself (and most other members) would consider "Master Builders", *could* actually get a job at the FCS.

Are we all going to be allowed to have an avatar that is our business logo ?

Can the signature refer to our business ?

The answer to this will have to come from Brian. As of this very, exact moment in time, on Earth, where you're sitting, no.

Let's take further discussion of this topic to the actual thread that's there now. Here's a link for everyone:


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ok, this is about the vote section, there are lots of locked up threads, whys that? maybe i missed it, buts whats up with it?


Well, polls about woodchucks, changing of avatars, and monster-truck Maximas have so very little to do with guitar projects, I closed them.

And, a poll about old polls reappearing doesn't really make any sense.

Do I really need to explain why the "Should Snork" poll got closed? :D

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ADMIN EDIT: LGM- this is your second warning about posting pics instead of links Let's get it cleaned up

Could somebody tell me what this is all about?

Just curious, it would seem there are more rules than I was aware of, so I'm asking to become more informed. :D

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