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First Tie Ever For Gotm

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Wow...thanks everyone. All of these are such great guitars. Most of what I've learned about building the double came from the people here, a thousand little things. Thanks!

Before I entered I took another look at the last few months of entries, and thought "man, there's no way a 'slow' month will come up". The level of quality here has really really improved, even to my not-so-perfect eye.

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Thank you all!

The "double" is a great looking guitar, and I bet it plays just as well as it looks :D

I would like to hear a soundclip of the 12 string, I'm thinking of building one (only one neck though :D )

My favorite guitar this month was the SG, amazing work, and ofcourse the polka V (randy is still my hero B) )

But all guitars are amazing, I really like the Bocaster, when idch started cutting that one I thought, "my god, that must be the ugliest guitar on earth" but he proved me wrong :D

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You forgot Peru! :D Congratulations on both winners, those guitar were awesome. I really like the Nandi Devi, when I saw it I told myself "I so lost this competition" :D Really, Erick that is a fantastic job, I truly like it, it´s superb. And the DropTop, my god I whish someday I could build something that beatutiful! Congrats JFC. And I have to say the polka dot is flawless (as usual Perry), the Bocaster so original I love it!, and that Bass wow pretty good for been your first one Phil, hope you build more.

Overall I feel lucky to be part of these candidates to GOTM, I promise I´ll work harder to build excellent guitars like all of yours. Cheers


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Sorry Alberto! :DSalut to you in Peru!

My best friend in the world (next to my wife) is a guy named Alberto, he's from Mendoza, Argentina. We're both geologists and have been planning to kick around the Andes together one of these days.

Your SG is drop-dead beautiful! Perfect finish. I almost didn't enter because of it.

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