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30 Minutes From Every Where!

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Well gust a small pic I just took and now looking at the thing it's realy seting in now



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...There's a province up in Canada that's right next door to ours.

It's called Saskatchewan. And, uh, in that province there's a

small town, uh, where nothing much ever happens, called


Dude, y'all are world famous! :D There are a lot worse places to be, believe me!
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Could be worse. I'd rather be 30 minutes from anywhere (wait... I basically AM, as I don't live in Ottawa proper) than 3 minutes from somewhere in downtown Winnipeg. Ugh. Or worse, Brandon. Or even worse, Portage La Prairie.

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't like Manitoban "cities" (emphasis on the quotation marks used).

Is one of those sheds your shop? :D If so, that's way cooler than living in the city.


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heheh, I was just in saska-ma-toooooooooooon this past weekend. I really don't dig saskatchewan at all, nothing big enough there for me, but I'm a city boy, Calgary is bordering on small for me, Red Deer (where I live) is just plain crappy.

One good thing about saska-ma-toooooooooooooon is you can get a panoramic view of the city just by standing on a beer can :D

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As long as it's not Woolerton. (spit)

No way man not Woolerton (spit) :D I love that show

heheh, I was just in saska-ma-toooooooooooon this past weekend. I really don't dig saskatchewan at all, nothing big enough there for me, but I'm a city boy, Calgary is bordering on small for me, Red Deer (where I live) is just plain crappy.

One good thing about saska-ma-toooooooooooooon is you can get a panoramic view of the city just by standing on a beer can

HAHAHA I know what you mean man I sometimes miss Edmonton, man I moved hear to saska-ma-toooooooooooon a few years back and man I thought that was something to get use to try bring the only DEATH METAL HEAD in a town of 500

farmers let's just say I stand out alot more now but that's the point right :D

i like the looks of that place.no neighbors to piss you off

Oh God I would love some pissy ass grumpy neighbors all I have now is wierd people trying so hard to see what Iam up to but at the same time trying to be so sweeeeeat and nice OH MAN to much suger makes me sick! oh well I'll get use to it :D


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:D Why is everybody in Canada so down on Winnipeg? Isn't that where Neil Young, The Guess Who, Dom Troiano, Lenny Breau, Crash Test Dummies and  Loreena McKennitt all came from? Sounds like it beats the Hell out of Akron or Duluth.

Ah yes, but how many of those artists STILL live there? Hmmmm....


Duluth, Minnesota, or Duluth, Georgia? I tried looking it up. B)


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So Matt...do you live in the shed on the right or the shed on the left :D

I live in the middle of nowhere too and I love it! The older you get the more you appreciate the country/rural living thing. No neighbors means you can do most anything you want and there's nobody to complain about it.

I live next to a cemetery....best neighbors I ever had. They keep the lawn mowed, the trees trimmed, they don't complain about my bass when I play it at 11 and they don't complain when I jump on my 4 wheeler and buzz around the property. They're so nice they don't complain about anything and they're quiet all the time and don't bother me at all!!

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So Matt...do you live in the shed on the right or the shed on the left

HAHAHA no man there not mine I took the pic looking out from my back yard but I will post some pics of my new house and shop the house realy needs some renevations but we only paid 1000 bucks for it!


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:D Why is everybody in Canada so down on Winnipeg? Isn't that where Neil Young, The Guess Who, Dom Troiano, Lenny Breau, Crash Test Dummies and  Loreena McKennitt all came from? Sounds like it beats the Hell out of Akron or Duluth.

If you have to ask that question, it's obvious you've never been to Winnipeg :D

It's dirty, has the highest murder rate in Canada, roads suck, it's the hardest city to navigate I've ever been in, just one of those places that isn't even that nice to visit LOL

As for Duluth, if you're talking Duluth Minnesota, it's beautiful there, I wouldn't want to live there, but they've got some really great area's.

(actually, if it was in the US, and I could live there, I wouldn't care where it was at this point, as long as it was in the US B) )

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Holy smokes! You can use all the extra cash to buy more Impaler parts!!

Well ya after we pay of the last owners back taxes witch are about 5000$

I will take some pics of the OUT SIDE of the house and post them but the inside is still in need of alot of work!


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im thirty min. away from THEE place. Los Angeles. Im officially in it, but its a subburb that is still in its county. I love LA, its suprising how clean it has been the last few years. Well the area's i go to. the suburbs are nice and big and are lively. I like where i live. Ill trade hurricanes and tornados for earthquakes anyday. LOL. well good luck matt.

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A match will take care of that grass for you and save a bunch of mowing time

HAHAHA I would love to give that A try but no can do man there are NO FIRES ALOWED much hear in sask and hear it's realy bad it's way to dry with my luck I'd end up buring the town down but hey wait that could be FUN

OH NO now you did it you stired up the Pyromania Calm Blue Ocean Calm Blue Ocean Calm Blue Ocean Calm Blue Ocean Calm Blue Ocean Ok there it's gone :D


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$1000.00 for a house?

I could buy a whole block like Monopoly!

HAHAHA ya it probably helps that there's only like 3 houses on A block :D

i lovethe looks of that place.enjoy the nature,man.don't want to be a city punk forever, do you?

Ya your right man It's just something to get use to you watch In like a year I'll never want to leave B) WAIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY :D HAHAHA

Iam glade you like it!


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