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Zakk Wylde Bullseye

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well im pretty sure that if u buy the real thin masking tape, like 1/8 inch wide or so, (like the blue kind for when you paint walls in the house and stuff, though I don't know if this is good to use for painting a guitar) it is pretty easy to do curves and stuff with, I saw on TV once they used that for making a flame paintjob on a car, then using larger tape to fill in the spaces between the stipes. Other than that, all I know is that you need to paint the white/ cream first and paint the stripes in black because black is really hard to cover well.

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Email me with your address I'll email you a file that you can use to get a mask cut at a sign shop, it should only cost about $20 to get the mask

Could you e-mail it to me as well? I´ve just bought plans for a Gibson LP Custom and since

Zakk is my big hero I was thinking of Bullseye graphics... :D


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Once I get someone who can do it (I found a place online said they could, so I email them the bullseye and a picture of a guitar, never heard back), Could I actually just lay the rings down and paint over them, or do I just use it as a template for tape? If I use it as a template for tape, how do I do it without taping down the template?

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Get some blank vinyl from sign shop or sometimes Wal-mart - Hobby Lobby and then use Compass to cut. Hobby lobby or other craft stores also have compasses with a blade on the end for cutting circles. A product for airbrushing called frisket ( a masking film ) would also work . But, a perfect circle taped freehand would really test or wreck ones nerves. I agree with everyone on shooting the white first. Also note that the paint will build up to the thickness of whatever mask you are using so the thinner the better. Saves on the blending level with your clear. An airbrush would be real helpful. And pull your masks off before your paint completly hardens (not touching freshly painted areas ) to help level and avoid the area where the paint meets the tape from flaking as you pull. With the black I would shoot enough for a nice uniform coverage but as thin as you can get.

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based on experience with vinyl masks and rc car bodies heres how i would do it.

1. Spray the guitar black.(less likely for your white to bleed into the black then the black to bleed into the white)

2. mask after the black is more than fully dry

3. spray your white. you may need a silver or primer in between(the black base will dull the white. though that may be the look on zacks)

4. wait for the paint to dry fully, use a FRESH SHARP exacto to LIGHTLY sperarte the paint and mask then remove. Every time ive tried to remove a mask on a wet body ive smeared etc....

4. read everything LGM has ever said on clear coating

5. read everything LGM has ever said on clear coating

6. think about your clear

7. read everything LGM has ever said on clear coating

feel free to disagree :D

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Once I get someone who can do it (I found a place online said they could, so I email them the bullseye and a picture of a guitar, never heard back), Could I actually just lay the rings down and paint over them, or do I just use it as a template for tape? If I use it as a template for tape, how do I do it without taping down the template?

i've heard of this sticky paper that some luthiers use, basicly like a giant peice of tape, but u have to peel the stuff off the bottom for it to stick. So print the design, get some of this stuff and use some carbon paper to trace the design onto the sticky paper, (once the guitar is all white) cut out the sections of the paper u want to fill with black. then peel off the wax paper on one side, center it (u might want to make some faint pencil marks to help position the other outer circles), and then stick it to the top of the guitar. voila, now paint away with ur black, remove the sticky paper, then clear coat the sucka..

woopse..... forgot to read page 2...... oh well... at least u have alot of options :D

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  • 8 months later...

uhmm jumbo box of detergent has same pattern.. dump into bag.. we gotta wash clothes anyway and cut out as stencil

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hmmm - I'm sure I posted in this thread and pointed you towards a step-by-step tutorial @ the MIMF. It's in the library, in the finishing section, sub section of 'Staining, Dyeing, Painting, Bleaching, and Other Surface Application Coloring and Decorating Techniques' and the title is 'Doing a Bulls Eye pattern, step-by-step'.

Any mods/Brian have any idea where my post went? I'm positive it *was* here, and it isn't now!


Nevermind - just realised this is an old thread ressurected by Ansil's 'helpful' suggestion. The one I posted in was much more recent...

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