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The New Impaler!

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Thats killer. What exactly did matt have? Haha hes going to have a pleasant suprise when he comes onto the internet back at home. Oh yeah, just wondering, I know he went down to help out with you not only to work on his guitar. What else has he been doing/working on. Well now its time for you to open up an intern oppotunity/ LGM school :D

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OHH man, matt is going to be stoked I'm sure! Great looking. And those bevels really seemed to add to the effect in the paint job, at first I though wow those bevels were a waste of time(as far as paint jobs) and after looking at it for a few minutes I can see that it wouldn't look nearly as cool without them. Can't wait to hear what Matt thinks, and what his plans are now, for hardware/pickups/pickups rings?

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Fantastik paint job!


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:DOMG I, what, when, UUM ilwhfuioqwfgjklvblqehbvhvfjvjbbviprhvigklb;n ;klgbn;njvqeiovn;qnq;eivunq;evni;eivpuqehg

SORRY that Was me fliping out on the keyboard

I dont know What to do with my self here I feel like roleing around on the floor screming and and drooling

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Oh man You have No idea what it's like for me to be siting here just looking at it

At this point Im SURE that Jeremy could walk on water!! :D

God I wish my gut would calm down!! I still feel like crap I think I have the flu but there is no WAY I wount be there today


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So was this finish a concept that Matt had vision of or did Jeremy just 'do his thing' and POOF...total badassness? The paint gives the body so much more dimension and the blood red is the bloodiest red I ever saw.

Jeremy, you are a good man! This isn't the first selfless act from you we've experienced. If there's an afterlife, dude your 401k plan is full and spilling over! :D

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So was this finish a concept that Matt had vision of or did Jeremy just 'do his thing' and POOF...total badassness?

Well I had an Idea for a Tribal edeg with some airbrush shadows over silver And we talked about it and the Tribal edeg would have wrecked the look of the body so that's where Jeremy's Mind goes in to madman mode and we came up with this idea! :D


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The concept evolved out of a lot of discussion Matt and I had, I suggested the boiling blood with the marble edges, and Matt loved it, so we talked a little about how he'd like to see it.

Sadly, Matt got pretty sick yesterday and I had to take him home, so I stayed late at the shop and painted, then I painted some more, then some more and then a little more LOL!!!!! Unfortunately, Matt is still pretty sick today, so I'll be doing the level sand, and reclearing today, hopefully he feels better tomorrow so he can final sand and buff it himself (cuz I really don't want to do that to this body LOL!!!!) and so he can get the experience for himself underway.

Had to make it look bloody and evil, he is a ministers son ya know, can't have him going home with an angelic looking axe :D

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DAM IT!! I have To stay home again :D Im still feeling off I know I should be in Bed or relaxing on the sofa BUT I just camt stop staring at the IMPALER :D I keep on seeing new things pop out at me and Im flored B)


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