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Ive built 1 pointy and thats enough. I like a nice LP or DC.

But the topic is about THIS design here, so if you want to discus pointy/non pointy then make a new thread. If your going to speak about design speak about it with relation to this guitar, give him sugestions about how he could improve it.

As i said i think the upper part of the guitar is too wide, i like the flowing lines of the sides, maby you could make it flow althe way round? or look at the warlock, its kinda off set, maby somthing like that, a soft warlock if you will. That could actually look good if done right, i get the feeling your not going for a all out kill everything in sight pointy guitar here. Thoes pics are a bit hard to speak about, can you do a front on pic for us? Thats way we can mod it with our suggestions.

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Sorry mate, but one word, BAD!

I am not glad to bring it up to you like that, but thats the truth. It looks like a two minute job on autocad with every BLOODY SINGLE CURVE THE SAME ANGLE AND PROPORTIONALITY. Absolutely no skill has gone into this. sorry but the more I look at it the more messed up it is. But still try like me by drawing on paper and then onto the computer and try to make every line exactly as you want it because a slight change could cause the whole body to look bad overall.

Keep trying.

Ash HK :D

Edited by rokeros
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yay for the anti-pointies in here!

BOOOOO to small minds and "anti-pointies" :D

Now About this guitar design It does look alot like A 2min burns copy but if that's what you want than build it BUT maybe do a dry run first! cut out the body useing some Plywood or what ever and shape it like it was the real thing get A good look at it and if it floats your boat HAVE A BLAST


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First of all, I'm old-school, and I like pointy guitars as much as I like blunt, dull ones, so that's not an issue for me. Second, you've obviously excited a bunch of folks, so don't take the non-constructive criticism too seriously (you guys kill me :DHIDIOUS??!!?!! - not only was that not called for, but if you're going to capitalize an insult to draw attention to it, try to spell it correctly, so you don't look like a nimrod). Finally, the only legitimate gripe that anybody has voiced is that you've got the proportions wrong, and your designs are both very top-heavy -they're correct, the cutaways are wider than the lower bout, and that's not very aesthetically pleasing. Beyond that, there's nothing particularly wrong with either idea, but they both need to be tapered towards the neck joint, and there's nothing unique or particularly special about either design as presented. You've made a good start, but there's a lot of refinement still necessary to make a playable, visually-pleasing instrument out of either design - if you're willing to invest the time and effort, either could be made into a worthwhile project.

As for the rest of you lot, historically, pointy-bashing has been a flashpoint for huge arguments around here, so please keep that silliness to a minimum, and if you don't like something, say you don't, offer whatever constructive criticisms you have, and then quit while you're ahead - this thread started civlly enough, but between the pointy/anti-pointy noise and the decidedly uncharitable attitude displayed by some of you, it's become an entirely different thing! I'm not going to close it, but I will not tolerate anybody else kicking this poster when he's down! Capische? And if I got anybody's blood up with my comments, be sure to PM me with your objections - I won't tolerate hijacking this thread to bash me, either. :D

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I'll say it again, just incase it got missed on page 1 with all the pointy bashing going on. We need a front on pic, we cant really judge it as with the wa the cad is set, the guitar is leaning back away from us, so it goes out of proportion even further. If you can do a pic face on, i'll be happy to photoshop it to where i think this design should go, then you can go from there, then others can do the same with te design, and eventually youl come to a design that aestheticly pleasing, aswell as playable. I think with the upper bouts the way they are it will be hard to play sitting down (it looks like you wanted that element in the design), the upper left (one closest too your head when playing) will sit very high on you.

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Sorry mate, but one word, BAD!

I am not glad to bring it up to you like that, but thats the truth. It looks like a two minute job on autocad with every BLOODY SINGLE CURVE THE SAME ANGLE AND PROPORTIONALITY. Absolutely no skill has gone into this. sorry but the more I look at it the more messed up it is. But still try like me by drawing on paper and then onto the computer and try to make every line exactly as you want it because a slight change could cause the whole body to look bad overall.

Keep trying.

Ash HK :D

Well, rokeros, im sorry too that skill doesn't come overnight.. As said before this IS my first CAD-project aswell as my first guitar project. As for the curves i'm not looking for any freaky-monster style for my first project(witch doesn't mean freaky-monster style can't be good :D ), rather i'm looking for something simple but a little different than Strat or Tele.

I'll say it again, just incase it got missed on page 1 with all the pointy bashing going on. We need a front on pic, we cant really judge it as with the wa the cad is set, the guitar is leaning back away from us, so it goes out of proportion even further. If you can do a pic face on, i'll be happy to photoshop it to where i think this design should go, then you can go from there, then others can do the same with te design, and eventually youl come to a design that aestheticly pleasing, aswell as playable. I think with the upper bouts the way they are it will be hard to play sitting down (it looks like you wanted that element in the design), the upper left (one closest too your head when playing) will sit very high on you.

Okay, ill add the pic so you could give me a hint of what you think is bad about it.

Heres the pic:


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I took the liberty of drawing a few lines on the body:


These lines go between corresponding points on the top and bottom of the guitar. You'll notice that they aren't all the same angle-- in fact, they seem to fan out such that the top of the guitar is wider on both ends than the bottom. If you rework your design to either have all the lines at the same angle or some sort of visually pleasing sweep in the lines, your design will be a lot more aesthetically pleasing.

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No problem, be sure to post any revisions you have to the design. Another thing to think of when designing, what guitar do you like the most, i know you said you wanted a Strat/Tele feel about it, why not use one of thoes shaped, and modding it, adding bits and taking bits away, but keeping the general feel of the guitar, check out my SGish thread here the second link is to my template. What i did was print of a full scale template of a SG on to 4 A4 bits of paper, stuck it together then i drew on it, alterd the outline while keeping the important bits intact, for me it was the waist and the upper cuttaway, altho i lenghtend it abit. Most people when they look at it will say its a SG, but not quite, maby you can do something simelar(sp?) and get a guitar that will be aestheticly pleasing but have your design elements too. Also try that method with your current template, print it fullscale, and draw on it, its alot easyer that trying to do it with CAD, espesialy if your only starting out.

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I was going to post it was a total waste of time from seeing the 3D version, but I seen quite a few that look bad in 3D, so I abstained from posting before.

After seeing the 2D I must say that it looks way better. I don't like Marzzochi take at it, it looks too estilized now, like a strat or RG wannabe!

The only change I would do to your drawing is to bring the trebel side cut lower to the last fret if possible and then fiv the neck joint to flow more like an AANJ.

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