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Rosewood Rg Body

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Been a long haul.......since June actualy. This is my 1st body . got bored to death with warmoth bodies... besides it denting my pocket pretty good. I got this wood for 90.00. I'm sure a solid rosewood body runs a good penny...think in the 400.00 range....not too mention hard to find one to build a ibanez body. For those reasons it led me to this. I attached several pix to share my methods and progress. I'm about to dive into the contours(tummy cut & arm rest). I obtained two decent files recently. I plan on using those and my bench belt sander inbetween. Any tips or other methods appreciated :D











Edited by Maiden69
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Have you had many problems working around the dust? I'm a bit circumspect about rosewood at the moment. I presume you have adequate extraction unless you sweep and clean up before photos ;-) That and you've just reminded me that I need a router bit to cut the recesses for plates better....

BTW - only one 640 x 480 pic per post, you'll need to link the rest.

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Those are some clean and sharp looking routs, nice!

FWIW, and this has just been my own personal direction the last couple of builds, but I am going entirely away from screws to hold the back plates when it comes to wood covers. I'm using one or two pairs of those little neodymium magnets to hold the covers on. I actually cut them in half, one half goes in the body, the other half recessed into the covers (so I make my covers on the thick side).

Looks like East Indian RW, which (I think) is among the lightest of the rosewoods. What do you have in mind for the finish?

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Thanks for the positive comments folks..... I'll thank whiteside router bits and taking several shallow passes to make the routes clean. The 1/8" template bit is the ticket for the recess plates! Far as the dust factor.....not much of a system other than my shopvac with a hepa filter. I also wear a dust mask. I cut the sides only and left the mass around the neck pocket prior to routing the neck pocket to avoid tipping. Far as the jigsaw cut.....I used a marker for the outline and cut slightly outside of that. However I ran into the wander factor when I cut out the horns. My goal was to leave a 1/16 to 1/8 of wood outside my actual line. Then use a 2" flush trim bit to square up the edges. Well I thought I was getting a deal when I bought a bit off of ebay for 12.00. Funny cuz whiteside wanted 40.00 for theirs. Needless to say the bit off ebay is junk! I ended up using the robo sander in my drill press to get the final shaping...slower yet safer! The body is heavy.....I'm at 6 lbs 5 oz. I have the contours to do and a hum route so that will take off some but my guess she'll be on the heavier side when done. My finish will be tru oil....not after a high gloss but a satin close to the wood type of vibe. I plan on using epoxy with some rosewood dust to fill the pores. Anyone see a prob with that and the tru oil??? I could always use a waterbase filler with some transtint added. I like the magnet idea erikbojerik...thinks it's a good idea too to keep the plates thicker. I used ebony from stewmac and the trem cover is

slightly warped after shaping it. Thickness on the ebony plate is 3/32. I hurried and put a few coats of oil on them to prevent anymore movement.Thanks for tip biliousfrog......angle grinder seems to be the ticket. Seems to be fast with good control. Unfortunately I don't have one. May borrow one for the next project. If I like I'll defintely purchase one! :D

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.I used a marker for the outline and cut slightly outside of that. However I ran into the wander factor when I cut out the horns. My goal was to leave a 1/16 to 1/8 of wood outside my actual line.
That is cutting it close. My confort zone isn't anything less then 1/4" with the jigsaw. I rather do some more Robo/hand sanding then screwing up such a nice piece of wood.

On my RGT-7 build, I was even affraid using template bit on final route. I did everything by hand. Call me chicken, but with some builds you just don't want to take any risks.

I like the look of the rosewood. Have thought of doing an all wenge (body) guitar....but just testing the body wood at the woodsupplier just nearly broke my back.

Do you have a separate template for those? That's what I had to do on my jem project.

Isn't that the fun of guitar building.....all those darn templates. If you take shape/type you already have templates completed, you sometimes wonder why things are moving along so fast......oh, right.....not spending 80% of time building those darn templates. :D

Edited by Scott Rosenberger
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Hey guitar2005...I used a 1/8" cutting depth template bit. You can snag one of these from routerbits.com. I made the inside route for the electronics cavity. The rest came with a kit. I have to make a dimarzio hum route.has some pretty tight corners. Most likely have to use a 1/4" straight bit and ride the shaft along the template. RGGR.....it's funny you mention wenge! I have a blank already to go....I posted some probs with it however. Dummy me wiped my glue joints and I have some glue way down in the pores. Tried every solvent out there.also tried steaming it out. I'll have to pick at the pores with a magnifying glass and pin.........or lose a 1/16 of an inch running it through a drum sander. Here's what I did today..took me 6 hrs..not too bad :D . You'll notice a few tear outs I'm in the process of filling....fortunately their not on the face.






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it's funny you mention wenge! I have a blank already to go....I posted some probs with it however. Dummy me wiped my glue joints and I have some glue way down in the pores. Tried every solvent out there.also tried steaming it out. I'll have to pick at the pores with a magnifying glass and pin.........or lose a 1/16 of an inch running it through a drum sander.
I simply love Wenge. The chocolaty dark streaks in it......the strange hard and soft bits when sanding it. (Yeah, it's a b*tch!!!), the open pores that sometimes drive you insane.

I still don't know how you can deal with a full Wenge body. It must absolutely weigh a ton. I'm playing with the idea of a Wenge neck on .... simply fell in love with this picture from nuno on www.ibanez87.it


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The piece I have is qautersawn.....I had no intentions of buying this . I initially went to pick up some ebony that was a super steal. By the time I got there the 3 pallets they had of it was already bought and shrink wrapped :D . Should be a pretty piece of wood with finish on her. I have to attend the pores before tooling it.


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I have to attend the pores before tooling it.

So you glued pieces together and with whiping the glue, you whiped it into some of the pores. Now some of the pores show glue instead of being just a pore. I see your problem.

My guess would be that taking 1/16" or so off the body (or even maybe less) will cure most of your problem. Most pores aren't straight down.....so most of the glue will be sanded off this way.

Still playing guitar like that would seriously brake your back. pffffff!

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Hey guitar2005...I used a 1/8" cutting depth template bit. You can snag one of these from routerbits.com. I made the inside route for the electronics cavity. The rest came with a kit. I have to make a dimarzio hum route.has some pretty tight corners.

Dummy me wiped my glue joints and I have some glue way down in the pores. Tried every solvent out there.also tried steaming it out. I'll have to pick at the pores with a magnifying glass and pin.........or lose a 1/16 of an inch running it through a drum sander.

I couldn't find a template bit that was shorter than 1/2" for my cavity recesses. I had to make my templates thicker to use it :D I made all my dimarzio routes with it the same bit (1/2" radius). Worked out great. I'll check these guys out (routerbits.com)

For the glue in the pores... You're supposed to wipe the glue. When you wipe it, make sure you use a damp rag that is rinsed often. the glue will get sucked into the rag. I usually take a first pass with a scraper, then use the rag to clean up the pores.


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I couldn't find a template bit that was shorter than 1/2" for my cavity recesses. I had to make my templates thicker to use it

When it's the case you need a shallow cavity, just copy your proper "shallow" template, over to 18mm MDF, and this way, you still can use the 1/2" length router bit. I use this method all the time when routing the control and trem back covers. This way I don't have to deal with putting things under the template....to raise the height.

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What a royal pain....I made 2 master templates out of plexi.....I burned them up riding a 1/4" shaft. I made a few more from hardy board without the problem. Luckily I practiced on scrap! Think next time around I'm going to oversize the template and use one of those brass template guides. Thing with this route is it has very tight corners and a 3/8" bearing bit did'nt cut it...too rounded for my taste. Oh well we live and learn! Have the roundover to go...debating by hand or a 1/16" bit.....hate to get tearout coming this far. After that a boat load of sanding....then a finish. :D



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