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"fake" Binding

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I am so confused......... A guy named drummerdude doesnt play drums. But instead asks questions about modding guitars but is too cheap and lazy to do it properly and would rather turn a guitar that is fine the way it is into a peice of crap. I dont get it. :D

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If you don't decide to be reasonable and use real binding, then my suggestion to get good adhesion would be to use leaded paint, I think that might solve this problem :D

(warning:this is a joke, please do not try this unless you want serious poisoning and brain damage)

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I am so confused......... A guy named drummerdude doesnt play drums. But instead asks questions about modding guitars but is too cheap and lazy to do it properly and would rather turn a guitar that is fine the way it is into a peice of crap. I dont get it. :D


The truth is somewhere in between a really bad joke and reality.

But it is true that I have never touched drums in my life.

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Drummerdude 364 posts and still regressing.

I check out the two links you have the rubber mallet must be for your head LOL.

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youve had plenty advice on this

you seem determined to do it do ur faux binding

dont expect others to say its ok if they dont think it is ok

go ahead and do the job

post pics and see what everyone thinks

if it looks crap you were warned

if it looks great you were right and proved the majority wrong

personally i would not do it to one of my guitars -

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There was a topic I was reading over at the OLF that seems like it would be good info for you.-Topic

There is some solid advise on the subject of building guitars and what skills are most important. Some of the advise is from very seasoned professionals(not amature building rookies like myself). There is another topic that expands on the one I linked to, if you are interested go to the main discussion area and look it up.


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OK, I want to make it very clear that I hate fretboard bindings.

I freaking hate them.

Hate the look, hate the feel of crappy PVC plastic under your thumb, hate all the headaches that bindings cause to lutheirs too.

You hate the look of bindings, but yet you want your fretboard to look like it has binding? :D

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Sorry but I have to chime in here, It's 60+ replies and ?????????? ***, just paint the damn thing and be done with it. Use whatever suits you and if it looks okay then fine if not redo it. All of you that have tried to help DD I commend you, those that have fueled this fire, you have too much time on your hands and need to find a real life.

Just my .02 cents.

DD try it and see what happens you can always sand it off. Either crap or get off the pot!!!!!!!!! All I see this thread as, is a waste of prime Server space that cost Kevin $$$.


Edited by MiKro
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doing an unnessesary total refret just to put binding on seems *almost* as silly as faux binding....

and the chances of ruining a perfectly good neck in the process are increased tenfold

Yes, it is, but people insisted that I do a real binding job, so here you go - I already pulled out all the frets of the neck. :D

OK, I want to make it very clear that I hate fretboard bindings.

I freaking hate them.

Hate the look, hate the feel of crappy PVC plastic under your thumb, hate all the headaches that bindings cause to lutheirs too.

You hate the look of bindings, but yet you want your fretboard to look like it has binding? :D

Read the rest of my post where I explain why I need a binding for this one.

I decided that SOME necks on SOME guitars actually look cool if bound.

Anyways, will see how my binding job would turn out.

Thanks for all your help, guys.


And damn it, soapbarstrat, I have a girlfriend.

Without her, I won't be able to post here because I am using her laptop (I am too cheap to buy my own and I am too lazy to post from my desktop PC because I will have to get out of bed B)).

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So, it appears that the only way to apply a faux binding is to paint it on, no?

OK, sure it will wear off. Any ways to prevent this from happening?

Don't play the guitar. :D

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