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Mini P-bass For My Son

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As my son, aged 7, is starting to take more of an interest in music, I thought I'd use some of my various project offcuts to put together a mini precision bass for him.

This is going to be 3/4 size, about 25" scale length. Mahogany neck and body, body with Zebrano cap.

Maple fretboard (probably - depending on a mate lending a hand with the offcuts bin... :D )

Neck/head shape cut and channel routed for carbon fibre stiffening bar - no truss rod on this.


Here's the zebrano cap on the body after a little countoring:


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Not sure about the string gauges yet - I guess i'll strat with an old set of 40-100's tuned in conventional bass fashion and see how it sounds/feels.

No truss rod - simply cos i wanted to put one together using offcuts and spares from other projects without spending or ordering anything more. I didn't have a short truss rod to put in there so I'm taking a gamble with a sturdy neck and a CF bar it will be playable enough to get my son started.

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Cool project! Sounds like a fun thing to build, i have always wanted a travel / 3/4 guitar and i have a whole lot of scrap...Might be a little side project to get rid of some of the stuff.

Looking forward to updates :D

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Man, I'd love to have as many instruments finished by the end of the year as you've done so far in the last 2 months!! :D looks great, and a great idea. I really doubt your son will be saying "Dad, I have a little bit of an action problem on my bass" before he grows out of the small scale. :D Hopefully it will get him more into music as well as an early appreciation for the instruments themselves.

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I Dig it :D I'm really interested to see this one unfold, how the strings will feel under the shortscale, how the pickups will react to it, everything, really.

And what a nice looking top!

You should make the bridge plate removable/interchangable with a Strat hardtail, and another pickguard routed for a single humbucker. Then when he outgrows the bass, you can convert it into a guitar hahaha

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Got the mini P-bass finished this weekend - apart from a bit of a setup and a fret level.

Here Billy is finishing the bridge installation.


I've just put a standard set of discarded 40 - 100 strings on. They do sound a bit 'tubby' but there's a nice deep P-bass punch to them too! This is his first bass lesson.


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