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84 Gibby Explorer Replica

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After having so many problems with my guitars, I finally got everythign straightened out. I had this order places about a month ago, and since it was a simple build, I agreed. It will be white with chrome hardware and EMG 81/60. It is for the same guy that i made the left handed KL for. I am gluing the neck in now, just have to carve the heel and then it will be ready for paint.









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Nice... clean... I like it.

Do you ever take any progress pictures?

Thanks guys.

I dont usually. I have a pic of the body blank being glued up, and a pic of the neck before hte inlays. but thats about it. Everything else gets done right away, with no stopping, so i dont take pics. That is why i finish them in 3 days total, when i keep working on them.

It will be a pure white finish. I sprayed a coat today, and got contamination again... how this happens with basecoat, i will never know. gott sand off the white and try again.

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no, no, no! not the wrong way round at all.... it will be perfect for impressions in front of the mirror :D

like the jimi hendrix strat fender made which was a lefty strung right with a unreadable reverse logo.... perfect for jimi hendrix impressions infront of the mirror with some nice speaker cab wallpaper and crowd stickers on the mirror

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i just had a south paw pickup up a guitar last night - it still F**** with my head to the nth degree. set-up becomes purely a numbers thing - whearas i set-up most right handed guitars by feel unless i have been given a reference instrument to copy

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It will be a pure white finish. I sprayed a coat today, and got contamination again... how this happens with basecoat, i will never know. gott sand off the white and try again.

Any kind of silicone or other chemical residue either on the piece or you will cause contamination. Try not wearing deodorant/antiperspirant and wipe the body down with alcohol to remove contaminants.

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i just had a south paw pickup up a guitar last night - it still F**** with my head to the nth degree. set-up becomes purely a numbers thing - whearas i set-up most right handed guitars by feel unless i have been given a reference instrument to copy

there's a guy I work with.... right handed, plays guitar left-handed but strung up right handed - if that makes sense!!!

all of the guitars he's played over the years have been righty's flipped over.... his last one was a lefty that I adapted to be strung up right handed for him - now that f******d with my head but also gave me an insight into what he's put up with for many years....

he said he can't believe he never thought of it before I suggested it..... came about because he saw a lefty Peavey Predator for sale for £100 - he said it was a shame it was strung up wrong for him & I said... "but thats not a problem.... I can sort that easily for ya!"

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Hey man I love your work explorers are by far one of the greatest guitars ever made. I am still a new member so i can't pm yet i was wondering if you could send an estimate on a guitar just like this one but right handed with no tuners or any parts or paint except of course for a sealer normally i would build my own but your builds are so neat and professional i could see your work one day being more revered than old gibsons, built better too in my opinion. Anyways if you don't feel like responding I'd understand but if you do my email is blackskull_2@hotmail.com

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looks awesome as all your explorers do. Question though did the customer request mahogany cause as far as I know the 84's were Adler with Maple necks (which oddly enough Gibson did not use when they did the 84 reissue). I am still kicking my own ass for selling mine (the only guitar i regret selling)

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Yes, he specifically requested Mahogany. I wish he had not though, i am still in agony over painting it.

meh... It's not figured, so it's no Greek tragedy to paint it. I'll never argue that mahogany doesn't look great with a clear finish, but it's not exactly a showcase wood, now is it?

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YES! IT IS A SHOWCASE WOOD! I DOTN CARE WHAT YOU SAY! The only wood that is meant to be painted is poplar and alder! I dotn care if its not figured, mahogany should not be painted. Plus, it just creates more work to paint a wood with such large pores.

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