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if you look at the name at the top of the page "1991 UCEW1QM-NT (Natural)" it confirms my suspitions..... QM = quilted maple :D

Guest Litchfield Custom Gutars

For a USA custom, I am not impressed. The neck joint is loose, and the Quilted top is rather bland flatsawn maple sapwood.


Not very high standards I guess. It's quilted maple but I can find better figuring at my local lumber yard.

Why, were you planning on building one like this (or were you looking for a bubinga guitar)?


i kind of like the top, it was obviously selected for the grain lines not the actual figuring it's self. after that though i could start my list of complaints about it...


Hell, I think we're all getting spoiled on fancy-dan '10' tops 'round here!

Truthfully, yes, it has very little quilting, but if you stop thinking that every Maple guitar has to have the 'best of the best of the best' tops, and just take it for what it is, it really is a very attractive guitar, and quite handsome too! :D

There is something to be admired in the point of 'quiet subtlety'.

I like it. B)

For a USA custom, I am not impressed. The neck joint is loose, and the Quilted top is rather bland flatsawn maple sapwood.

I think it may be more to do with Glen's method for photographing guitars. He seems convinced that lying the guitar flat on its back facing a flat overcast sky is the best way.

This approach may work fine for capturing detailed shots of solid paint or regular woodgrain, but flat light will flatten out any figuring. You need directional light to bring out the depth in the grain.


Good -figure- is not necessarily the sister-mother of good tone.

And it 'IS' about tone in the end, is it not?

I bet that guitar screams! Perfect wood compliment.

I still like it. :D


i like it too! but i mean come on, if you are paying a large sum for a custom... give em' what they deserve! tone plus a great looking guitar! its a CUSTOM for crying out loud! has that word lost its flavorful meaning?


Not knocking you snorkie, but at the age of 15, the words 'custom', and 'fancy', are kind of hand in hand.

But that's not always necessarily the case.

Do you really want to marry the hooker?

Guest Litchfield Custom Gutars

Yeah, maybe just bad pics, but it doesnt really get me asthetically. Tonallt, I am sure it kicks major booty

Do you really want to marry the hooker?
Only if there's a substantial post nuptial discount - seriously, how expensive is that axe? I've seen similar tops on newer PRS's, but they're always stained/sanded back to bring out the figure. It'd be interesting to see it under more ideal lighting against a dark background. Those photos are somewhat less than optimal :D
...and the Quilted top is rather bland flatsawn maple sapwood.

Quilted figuring appears best on the flatsawn face, and most Maple I see in lumber stores, and used on guitars, IS sapwood. Maple and some soft woods like Spruce seem to be the few woods where the sapwood is the most used and prized portion, in most other woods it's the heartwood that is most used. Anyways, I prefer that most Maple is sapwood, because it's lighter in color so you can dye or stain it with more success.

Guest Litchfield Custom Gutars

I am aware of all that you said Lex, I was just stating what I could tell by the pics.


Okay thank you very much for the info. I have to say I absolutely LOVE the look of the top. It is not very quilted, but that's not the point. The grain lines look soo nice and I think it was choosen because of these grain lines. I think it looks much more interesting than those 100000 quilted maple tops you see every day. Concerning the quality of the guitar: I dont know about that. I never heard if an Ibanez custom shop before, I am simply interested what wood produced this great looking top.


i like everything about it.each guitar is an individual accomplishment and i think that one has great individuality.

loose neck joint?i can't see that...but most factory bolt ons do have looser joints than i prefer.except my sabre...can't get that thing to budge

Guest Litchfield Custom Gutars
loose neck joint?i can't see that...but most factory bolt ons do have looser joints than i prefer.except my sabre...can't get that thing to budge

It just looks like I could slip a credit card in the sides. But then I'm spoiled on hand made guitars too, so It prolly looks worse than it really is to me.

Guest Litchfield Custom Gutars

Could be. I think I just might be too tired to actually see it correctly too.

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