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Everything posted by ScottR

  1. The cavity looks like a peanut....where is Mr. Peanut when you need him? Don't get me wrong. That is as efficient a cavity as I've ever seen. SR
  2. You have gotten good enough that you don't need my encouragement....but you certainly deserve my appreciation! SR
  3. I'm with Mike, BC Rich's don't make me salivate either, but that one is really looking nice. Very clean and classy--something I'd never thought I'd say about the style. Perfect finish for it. Super well done! SR
  4. How about a barely cut? It's certainly unorthodox, but not exactly unsettling shape, kind of organic. And the way the F-hole reflects the curves enhances it a lot. It'll create some aesthetic challenges for you, but with your skills I know it's going to end up looking hot! SR
  5. That's coming through my monitor as a highly purple purple to me. SR
  6. Glue should be sufficient. It's not a structural joint. SR
  7. I'm running behind, but I just love the way this is going. Don't scrimp on it, it's gonna be decadent! SR
  8. I'm trying to think of new ways to say WOW. SR
  9. I have never purchased a guitar. I have played all my builds .... but I honestly don't play that much and half of them are still mine and hanging around looking pretty. My wife claims one, but she doesn't play at all and I'm not sure she's ever actually touched it. I learned it was hers when I loaned it out for a week or so. On the other hand, I'm always going to be building something, so why not something special and cool like a guitar? SR
  10. Thanks, Mike. I do believe that was the first guitar oriented piece of wood I ever purchaser. The majority of it went into a prototype....before any build.. Good thing too, that stuff is seriously heavy. SR
  11. After over a decade of being in here nearly every day, I feel guilty only showing up long enough to post some pictures. The fact is I used to leave this up in the background all day at work and keep up and comment during slack times. The past 18 months or so have been so busy, that I can go weeks without ever opening up a browser, It's making me tired. On the weekends I still work on my wife's table. The carving is essentially done. I've decided to semi-sand to show off the wood and carving marks as well. The plan is to sand and shape and add back some carving marks as needed. I don't like leaving chipped areas and splintered cuts. We'll see if I can stand it.... The branches look like drift wood in this stage. On nearly all of my guitar builds someone says that top is really nice but I think I like the back even better. The same could happen here, I suppose. Baby's got a bubinga butt. And then to show off her butt, a little wipe of mineral spirits. Sometimes they sit on the best part. SR
  12. LOL. If I remember the moment correctly, those are somewhat differently formed, albeit equally useful.
  13. This is about as true as it gets. I typically place my bridge pickup a little further away than most because I like a warmer tone. If I were going with one only, I'd likely move it a little further away still.....based on my tastes. SR
  14. I've done that a couple of times, and been very pleased with the result. SR
  15. I'm running a bit late these days, but bravo Matt! That's a well deserved win. SR
  16. I've been spending time tapering roots, reshaping rocks and cleaning up the edges where shapes meet. Kind of like adjusting the focus, and making the image more visible. Like the last post, the differences are subtle, but represent a lot of work. SR
  17. I'm looking forward to getting jealous of this. SR
  18. That is true. You do remove any guides almost right off the bat. I did do some sketches from different angles before I started cutting, so I do have something to refer back to. At the same time the very act of cutting can spur modifications as it comes together. The three branches sprouting from the main trunk have changed the way they are joined almost constantly. It does indeed tell me what it wants to be as it develops. SR
  19. There is actually a lot of work represented here....and it's mostly invisible. Quoting @Stu. from a recently renewed old thread....it's time to just see if anyone can spot the changes....or something like that. Mostly what you're looking for is limbs being thinned at the ends and gradually growing larger towards the main trunk. SR
  20. And your work is still killer! SR
  21. I confess to have completely forgotten about this pointy weapon. Nice to see it again! SR
  22. That's some tasty timbers going into this. Looking forward to it Stu, SR
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