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Everything posted by ScottR

  1. Between the perspective and the lense length, you are not getting a real good idea of what has been done.... ....oh well. Deal with it. All will become clear in time. SR
  2. Awesome job @JGTay! "The wife" is making out like a bandit this year... SR
  3. Be sure to double check that the spine doesn't interfere with the tuner bodies sitting flush on the headstock. I use a volute that blends into a spine on the back of the headstock too, And have had to adjust for that interference more than once. SR
  4. All opposites on the color wheel equal brown. As do the three primary colors, and if one looks closely enough all opposites on the color break down into the three primary colors. Leaning heavier on one or the other shades the brown. And finally, if you are not quite pleased with the shade of brown you got, just tweak it with a tint in the clear coat. That gives the color a bit more depth too. I realize that his is old news by now.....I've been crazy busy lately and am just taking a minute to try and catch up. SR
  5. It's good to see that you had the sense to grab a practical and intelligent woman and made her your wife. SR
  6. With good reason! Did you go blue over yellow, or did you actually use green as well? SR
  7. I'm running a bit behind these days, but let me add my congratulations to the pile. I've loved this thing since the first day! SR
  8. Bubinga is freakin' tough stuff. In case you were wondering. SR
  9. How did you get the chisel to pose for the picture like that? SR
  10. Sleek is the word that comes to mind.....for both of those. SR
  11. There is a plan. I just hope it's the same plan I started with when I get finished. SR
  12. Nice, love the contours. Your woodworking skills appear to have evolved while I had my head turned. SR
  13. That will likely do, but the thinned lacquer won't survive much buffing. Be tender. SR
  14. Slowly but surely, this thing is losing weight.....it's practically svelte. It's got a hell of a tap tone too. Thing rings like a bell. SR
  15. Very nice! I love the way the burst grows and shrinks as the angles change. SR
  16. I ran across a new southern rock band (to me). These guys have been getting a fair amount of play in my garage whilst I'm knocking wood chips off this pedestal for the table. SR
  17. She's developing some curves.... ,,,gradually. Puberty lasts forever. SR
  18. Exactly that. It sounds like the surface of the lacquer below is not hard enough for the optimum polish yet. SR
  19. Also, you might be able to make side wall access panels work. Not ideal but surely no more difficult than trying to work though an f hole.... SR
  20. I suppose a rear access is out of the question? SR
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