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Everything posted by BLS

  1. it did alot for my 5150. It really helped tighten up the lowend.
  2. http://www.nealmoser.com/kahlerusa.htm im not sure if Kahler will be making those Les Paul type bridges. Either way its great news.
  3. Thats a cool idea, i woner how a urban camo swirl would look.
  4. Humbuckers, i dont like the sort of "Generic" sound of an EMG.
  5. Yes, thats a good pedal. I used to have one and it let me get alot of different sound out of my 5150.
  6. Thats awesome!! Any idea when your gonna start to sell these??
  7. I prefer the Kahler Version they even come in colors!!
  8. Dont you guys have calluses by now??
  9. Ah, so you got the JJ Tubes?? Their awesome tubes IMO. I have yet to find better poweramp tubes for a 5150... ive tried sovtek's, Groove Tubes, and SED's. None of them can beat the JJ's.
  10. Try some melodic stuff like In flames and Amon Amarth, i guarentee you'll learn alot.
  11. Agile made some PRS copies which had floyds on them
  12. Maybe the lack of pickups rings makes an illusion of some sort?? Ive never seen a warlock with a pickguard, looks pretty cool.
  13. Ed Roman is just lazy and dosent want to put the extra effort into Stainless Steel frets... but after enough demand he will totally change his mind just like he did with ebay. I really hate the guy.
  14. Thye play those same songs everynight. Plus thier songs arent really complicated which of course makes it easier to do other things while playing.
  15. I use the Dunlop Stap Lock's... always have and always will.
  16. That looks cool. The maple fretboard was a good choice with the completly black body.
  17. Brand names are a great way to judge quality. But if you can buy something of equal or greater quality for the same price or less then go for it.
  18. Cliff Burton Steve Harris Eric Langlois Les Claypool Alex Webster - hes an amazing bassist, alot of people underestimate him because he plays in Cannibal Corpse.. but man is he good! John Myung Matt Freeman Geddy Lee im sure im forgetting a few
  19. Refinish! Of course I MUST replace those stock pickups. Thats not an option
  20. Right now there's a disscusion on the tremol-no at harmony central http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums...hlight=tremolno seems like people are interested
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