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The 30-day 5a Quilt Tele


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I had a feeling this might happen...as soon as you mentioned glue in the pores, and how it would look better if it had been a cap instead of a veneer, I saw it coming.

Interestingly, I had my own WOD experience this weekend. For about the millionth time, my weed trimmer wouldn't start after the 100th pull, so I grabbed it by the business end and fed it to my own WOD. OK, it's only a brick chimney and not a real wall, but man that was very cathartic.

Best part? I got to light the gasoline-soaked wall and watch it burn for a little while. I can see where you're coming from, this could become a habit.

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but man that was very cathartic.

Best part? I got to light the gasoline-soaked wall and watch it burn for a little while. I can see where you're coming from, this could become a habit.

You got it! :D:DB)

It's like releasing dead weight.

It's like when Lenny Kravitz cut his dreads, know what I mean? :D

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There doesn't need to be any name on a guitar body, so the idea of less than perfect work "being out there" is nonsense. I hope he's joking about trashing the stuff. If not, then maybe he needs another hobby, like sewing.

Sewing project #1 : make straight-jacket for himself.

Doesn't have to look pretty, just be functional. It would end up with an authentic "sour burst' too. LOL.

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So if my favorite guitar falls and gets a bunch of ugly scratches on it, I should smash it ?

actually..the equivelant would be you providing a suck ass fret job for free rather than doing it better in the first place.

but you are the last person i would expect to understand anything involving personal beliefs or convictions.or am i unclear?

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Don't feed the trolls people.

Soapbar is nothing but a miserable haggard wretch of a troll and was nearly booted out of here before anyway for doing exactly this kind of thing before, he is a troublemaker extroadinaire wherever he goes.

His goal is to ruin EVERYONE'S good time, PLEASE don't let him.

I am not answering him, please, don't YOU eidder!


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" or am i unclear?"

You couldn't possibly be more unclear. I don't agree with the " if I can't have it, nobody is going to have it" way of thinking. If I had a guitar body I didn't like and really didn't want it, didn't want to bother selling it, I'd give away. Some people can't have a decent guitar so easily.

I really don't get the comparison you wrote about if I did a poor fret-job.

This is a Tele body Drak made and didn't like the finish. A finish is not the whole damn body, it can be re-done. A Tele body can have a different top put on. Some kid could learn with it.

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Imagine there's no heaven,

It's easy if you try,

No hell below us,

Above us only sky,

Imagine all the people

living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,

It isnt hard to do,

Nothing to kill or die for,

No religion too,

Imagine all the people

living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions,

I wonder if you can,

No need for greed or hunger,

A brotherhood of man,

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,

but Im not the only one,

I hope some day you'll join us,

And the

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Arrrg noooooooooo :D

I wonder if there should be a support group for all those effected by the WOD incidents B)

Will we ever get the privilidge of seeing these things actually being fed to the WOD?

:D Shame its gone Drak, I think the finish was cool but as you said... its up to YOU if YOU like it... you didnt... so it dies... seems simple!

~~ Slain Angel ~~

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Hey Drak did you ever get to hear eMOTIVE by Perfect Circle, they do a remake of Imagine on it, I remember you said you had it, I just wanted to know if you listened to it yet and your thoughts on it.

Also I want to officially apply for the job of the WOD, whenver you need a new WOD I would be happy to take the job. I feel I have what it takes, I am always hungry especially for teles. I hope you consider me for the job whenever you need a replacement, my only downfall would be that I really like to eat even the best exotic figured guitars. Jason

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Man, Drak... you did that KILLER fast - and I was really impressed with the quality of work, even if the materials ended up ruining it for you. I can understand your destroying 'em - God knows the one I just finished ought to be :D. Then again, it's my first, so I think I'll hang on to it - the next ones better watch out though.

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