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i just want to remind some of you guys that there ARE rules in place about going off topic in threads...now in most threads it isn't that big of a deal...but when someone is posting an in progress thread,it is extremely disrespectful to derail it,especially with idle chatter which seems more suitable for a school cafeteria rather than a guitar building forum.

i will be watching more closely from now on.

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Speaking of staying on topic, Do you guys know of any brand of white socks that won't stretch to the point where the naturally created heel ends up on the back of your ankle over time? :D:D

Feel free to edit. B) I agree with you guys. It's annoying to waste time jumping back to a thread to see what's going on (no DSL in my area yet) only to find some useless conversation about an individual or their practices. I have to vent about useless posts in the same context as off-topic ones. If the pre-existing posts already say what you want to say, there's no need to say it, right? :D

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<RANT> While we're on the subject (or at least not too far off), I'd appreciate seeing a little higher level of overall respect, especially for the older guys who've been here a while, and have generaly been proven to know what they're talking about. How many times has one of them cautioned a newer member (usually with no birthdate in his profile, and no evidence of any experience) about the potential risks involved in using a certain technique or material, particularly when the nature of the question tends to make them suspect that the poster isn't very well versed in the subject, only to get jumped for being insulting, along the lines of, "...you think that just because it says newbie under my [sic] avater im stupid? " ? It's unnecessary, immature, and unacceptable! You're certainly welcome to ignore any advice you get here, but attacking people who have your health and well-being in mind is churlish and childish, and tends to make the people who are most able to help less likely to do so.

We have several accomplished builders here who are still adolescents, and we've got a few older guys (like me :D ) who don't have a lot of building experience, so there's not a real age bias, but there are sure a lot of people around lately who can't tolerate much criticism without lashing out, and a bunch of folks who are awfully quick to offer uninvited criticism, whether it's appropriate (or even relevant) or not. I'm all for keeping this place family-friendly, but that doesn't mean we have to let the discourse fall to the level of a midde school detention session. </RANT>

"Gold Toe", huh - I'll have to try 'em out - thanks, Wes! :D

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Actually, I buy my socks at Menards. LOL.

I'd also recommend that before a new user asks one of our experienced builders if they only build tele's, they do a little research first. :D

Sometimes its hard to stay on topic, and I know that we've all gone off topic in a thread at least a time or two, my concern with PM'ing someone is that valuable information that could be shared with the forum may end up getting shared with only one person. I suppose you could start a new thread, and pm the person a link to that, eh?

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where is Menard's?

Menard's is a national big-box home improvement chain that's primarily located in northern-midwestern states. I don't think there's any south of Iowa or Nebraska.

Their commercials are funny because they try to look low-budget and locally produced, but they're really a formidable company much like Wal-Mart or Home Depot and have run many Mom and Pop hardware stores across the midwest out of business.

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And I thought only us old guys bought socks at Dillards.

i AM an old guy

You may be old, but you don't start getting really good looking until the gray sets in. :D

But on topic, where is Menard's?

My gray started setting in at 16. I'm 29 now and about 35-40% gray.

I bought some socks at Neiman Marcus once, but only because I was working there and got a sizable discount.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...

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