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Cow Patti Lives!


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This guitar dates ALL the way back to my '12 Telecasters' Thread which must be well over 2 years old by now, and is the first Steerhead Tele to finally worm it's way thru to the finish line.

There are 4 more breathing down it's back, all almost done, but WoW, it's about time huh?

I'm wiring it up probably tonight, but I can safely say it has made it all the way.


From the badlands came the killer,

He lived by his knife and the gun.

He'd cut you just for standing

And shoot you if you tried to run.

He was as big as a tree and did what he pleased,

And everything he did was bad.

They said, if you was to kill him,

It'd only make him mad.

From the goodlands came the cowgirl,

Patti was her name.

She was hot on the trail of that killer

On a moped she called Flame,

'Cause the killer had killed her daddy

Just for spittin' in the road,

And you only had to kill her daddy once

To get that gal p.o.'d.


Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.

Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.

She rode into town

To find the man

That killed her daddy.

Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.

Pics coming soon. B):D

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I'm liking it already

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I'm saving the full frontal shots until it's wired and strung up properly, which should be hopefully within 48 hours or therabouts...

As I said, there's 4 more steerheads coming directly behind it, all are in the wetsand stages now, and I'm having to order me an awful lot of EMG hardware in the past few days (SPC'S, EXG'S, RPC'S, AFTERBURNERS, AND PA2'S). :D

Thanks for the nice words so far. :D

I'll post all the details about wood and hardware and build tips when I post the finished shots.

I can NOT wait, these have been a looong time in the coming, and are really what I consider my trademark guitars now. They are me, and I am them. B)

PS, it needs a little bit more cleanup before I call it done, you can see some dried polishing compound still present in the closeup of the steerhead which will be removed and cleaned before final shots.

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I'm saving the full frontal shots until it's wired and strung up properly, which should be hopefully within 48 hours or therabouts...

oooo full frontal telecasters :D just what you want of an evening when you're on you're own!

As I said, there's 4 more steerheads coming directly behind it, all are in the wetsand stages now, and I'm having to order me an awful lot of EMG hardware in the past few days (SPC'S, EXG'S, RPC'S, AFTERBURNERS, AND PA2'S).

:D was about to ask what active electronics those were. Care to comment on each unit? (ie pro's con's ect.)

gotta be some of the best tele's I've ever seen B)

:D I think they were started about a year before I joined B)

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i remember the project, but i want to know what happened to spaltosaurus???

that was killer (not fed to WOD i hope?? :D )



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Sure. You should visit the EMG website and check out each pot, they do a good job of describing each one, and have pdf files that have all the wiring diagrams you need and how to wire them up if you use more than one (which I almost always do B) ), along with frequency response graphs that show even better how the pot affects the tone.

But I will offer my own comments as well.

SPC - I call this the Gibson HB Pot. Think of it like a 'rich and creamy overdrive' knob. You can make a typical SC equipped guitar sound very thick and full and beefy.

It's pretty much overkill on a HB guitar tho, although you could find uses for it, as HB equipped guitars already sound thick and full and beefy, so it's best used with SC's typically, or maybe a P-90...you get the idea.

EXG - I call this the Fender Pot. Think of a typical clean Fender guitar tone on some song you know, say 'Wicked Game' or something, that gorgeous crystal clean shimmery Fender sound. Now sprinkle a few pounds of 'ever so much more so' on top, and you get the idea.

It's Fender tone by the Truckload, especially with a SC equipped guitar that can already do a good SC sound. I don't find it too useful on HB guitars as it enhances the bottom end also, and the bottom end can get sort of garbled and mushy and really non-useful. It is best used for clean playing, NOT distorted playing. But what is does for clean playing is crazy good.

The RPC honestly I have not used yet, but looking at the graphs and having a lot of experience with the other two and the Afterburner, I can pretty much hear in my head what it will do and the best possible use for it.

The Afterburner is a 'pull to engage' pre-amp. In the down position, or pulled up and rolled down, it has no effect on the tone, but start to roll it up and you can turn your signal hitting the amp up to the point of clipping and smooth overdrive. Great for leads.

The PA2 is exactly the same as the Afterburner except it is simply a mini-toggle on top of the guitar with a trim pot (pre-settable) inside that does the same thing as the variable (always usable) pot of the A-burner.

Same product, different formats. One gives you more versatility but takes up more real estate on top, the other is more limited in it's usage but takes up very little real estate.

To use these devices, you MUST SHIELD the entire guitar. These devices will AMPLIFY whatever you give them, and if your guitar is noisy and unshielded with some noisy SC pickups, you will be assaulted with more white noise than you've ever heard, so a very thorough shielding job is paramount to using these specialty pots.

These devices are basically just EQ Pots. The EXG is ~sort of~ like a happy face on a graphic EQ pedal, and the SPC is ~sort of~ like a frown face on a graphic EQ. That's simplifying it really, but basically correct.

The RPC is more like a Billy Idol sneer-lip. :D:D

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Thanks! B)

And I love yours too, you should repost your Johnny Winter Lazar guitar for the new guys here who haven't seen it yet, it's a BEAUT!, I don't think I've ever seen another custom build like it, before or since you built it. Extremely cool, especially since you have a pic of you and Johnny to anecdote it with, I'm a HUGE JW fan!


My Personal Favorite Guitar Hero of All Time is Roy Buchanan (RIP), and Johnny's tone was as much Searing Into Your Freakin' SkullPlate as Roy's was, I love 'em both.


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In Progress


Finished Axe


Johnny and I and another legend


I saw Johnny several more times.He played my blue one backstage and then signed it on top.He couldn`t believe i built it.The sad part is I had already put my camera in the car with my coat.It was sub-zero in the winter about two years ago and I was leaving when James his singer came and grabbed me outside and said "Come on,Johnny will see you now."I just grabbed the guitar without my coat,which had the camera inside.So I don`t have any pics of Johnny playing my homebuilt.

Thanks! B)

And I love yours too, you should repost your Johnny Winter Lazar guitar for the new guys here who haven't seen it yet, it's a BEAUT!, I don't think I've ever seen another custom build like it, before or since you built it. Extremely cool, especially since you have a pic of you and Johnny to anecdote it with, I'm a HUGE JW fan!


My Personal Favorite Guitar Hero of All Time is Roy Buchanan (RIP), and Johnny's tone was as much Searing Into Your Freakin' SkullPlate as Roy's was, I love 'em both.


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The Trail Boss is officially finished tonight, been jammin' on her for over an hour, Sweet God of Thunder do I love this guitar!


The combination of the Mahogony center, P-90 in the neck, and I strung her up with 11's has amounted to a Western Masterpiece, I am in LOVE! :DB)B)

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