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Everything posted by ScottR

  1. So these should have a fat or warm sound? (If thin is a bad term, is fat likewise a bod term?) I'm gonna have to find me some audio samples of those. SR
  2. So you have a couple of base models that you've never built.....how funny. I totally get it of course, you make custom guitars. Nobady wanting a custom guitar is going to buy a base model without customizing it a bit. Still....it just sounds funny. Great story and great opportunity for you. Bring 'em on! SR
  3. Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder Jazzmaster pickups look like P-90s. What's the difference between the two? This is a good looking build so far, love the fretboard. SR
  4. Ebony is very brittle. Be careful not to overtighten your countersunk screws or they will split that ebony like an over-ripe watermelon. SR
  5. Happy accident. It gave it some additional character. SR
  6. I was looking for a way to say pretty much exactly this. I'm not sure I can say it better, but I can definitely second the motion. Well done indeed. SR
  7. The sawdust always get a bit darker when mixed with glue hence the grey. It's a good thing on an ebony board, not so much on a maple one. I've nev er done a maple board so I'm curious about the answer too this as well. More dust will help but I think it will still be darker.... SR
  8. Your patience is legend. I'm pretty sure I would not be able to exhibit as much as you have. Then again maybe you've pulled out all your hair by now. We'd never know. SR
  9. High praise indeed. Thank you sir. SR
  10. The demon in the Hand of Doom had to go somewhere...... SR
  11. Thanks guys. I love the way it sounds and am very happy with the way it came out. I'm having a blast with it. The only thing left to do on this project is to see if I can pull off a quality final set of pics. SR
  12. No, you should be good to go, unless--you sanded back into the wood deeper than the previous grain filler/poly went and opened the pores again. SR
  13. Excellent post DX. I think a thread that features a bunch of expienced builders posting little tips precisely like this one could be pretty useful.....particularly to those just starting. I bet most of us will have Doh-why didn't I ever think of that moments as well. SR
  14. And then he added a tube screamer to the line and played a little rock. http://www.skullsessions.com/audio/riffle/CD Track 03.mp3 Here's a quick cell phone snap of this going on in Skullsession's studio recording room - note the Hook Custom hanging on the wall in the background. SR
  15. Come on down, I 'd love for you to give it a test drive....and I can't wait to see what you do with Amber Fire. When I asked Brett to make me these pups I told him I loved the P-90s he made me and wanted some humbuckers that captured all their raw vintage tone but with the the overtones and harmonics you get with humbuckers. He said PAFs were the way to go and said he normally would make them out of A2s. I had been listening to some Iron Gear Blues Machines and mentioned that they were apparently A4s to which he replied - badass! The first track is bluesy and I'm sure Joel would like to have a couple of those bends back.....but you get the idea of the tone. This is my guitar plugged straight into a Fender DeVille. http://www.skullsessions.com/audio/riffle/CD Track 01.mp3 Just to illustrate how close RAD came to the P-90 tone, here is the same background track with the lead played on my previous build - the single cut with RAD's P-90s. http://www.skullsessions.com/audio/riffle/CD Track 02.mp3 SR
  16. Yeah. That's one of the reasons I put a shell of Z-poxy on mine. It does sound good though. SR
  17. Very clean. Makes me dream of a single coil with that look in my future ...perhaps. SR
  18. This is coming along nicely. It took me a minute to follow your thought process on your switch fitting....but I got there. I'm not sure I would have without the next round of pics though. SR
  19. I did that and it went swimmingly well. In fact I now have a new set of 3 + 3 chrome Gotoh 510 Deltas less two threaded bushings. I'm going to have to try to see if there is anyplace to just buy the bushings. And I deciede I still wasn't happy with the nut, so I went ahead and made a new one out of the bone blank I had. My problem was I had done all the calculations to get the right string spread with equal spacing between each string, but I didn't execute it very well. The spacing was not quite equal and a couple of slots had a slight angle, and the two E strings were just a tad closer to the edge than I liked. And finally, the three high strings settled or cut or somehow ended up a little deeper in the slots than when I first set it up. Anyway I decided a guide for my nut files was called for. I set my calipers to the space between the strings I wanted and cut a small piece of bubinga. I sanded it to the proper width and cut a slot to fit over the nut blank. Then I used it for a guide to ride my file against for the first slot. For the next slot, I left the file in the slot and used the guide to file the next slot.....and rinse and repeat right on down the line. I was quite happy with the results. This final shot is out of focus.....sorry....and the extreme close up and perspective makes the center space appear a little wider than the rest. I suppose it might be...but they are all within a gnat's ass (roughly the same as a bee's dodger) of being the same. I took over to Hook's (Skullsessions) studio last night and got some audio tracks recorded. Stay tuned...... SR
  20. How's that Spanish Cedar holding up? SR
  21. I had considered that, but was worried about screwing up the threads. I ended up breaking two of the bushings any way and had to get some replacement tuning machines. They came in last night so I do believe I'll file a bit away before I put them in. SR
  22. So the precision straight edge is from Enco? SR
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