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Your Favourite Ever Guitar


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For some of the same reasons as someone said about thier Parker Nitefly, my favourite guitar would have to be my Parker Fly Classic. Like he said, it's one guitar I could NEVER replace with a build of my own. It's about as original looking as you can get without becoming ugly... and lastly... when i play on that neck i play about twice as fast as I can on anything else :D

Exactly... The Fly Classic is truly my dream guitar!

And about the twice as fast thing, I recon that's about right!! I've always been the type of guy who says gear won't make you play better and all, but that freaking guitar made me play quite better than I tought possible without even being used to it!!!

Oh and I can't vouch on how nice that piezo sounds!

Someday, when I start to do paid gigs, I'll buy that guitar, for sure...

Edited by Pr3Va1L
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I love all my guitars for different reasons...

I suppose my favorite is by Tribute ASAT just because it's got those G&L Magnetic Fields pickups that just sound incredible. Probably the guitar I pickup the most in any situation. It's got the heaviest tone of any guitar I've ever played. You can mess around w/ Ibanez, BC Rich, Jackson and all that but you haven't played metal until you've played ASAT metal. It's got more low-end than your mama.

My Faded SG is awesome too. I've recorded and gigged w/ it more than anything else I own and it's got the war-wounds to prove it. It used to sound raw and warm/muddy w/ the stock pickups but now it's bright and jangly w/ the GFS Retrotrons I put in there. I think I'm gonna pop some new pups in there soon just for the hell of it.

And lastly I like my formerly-Peavey guitar that I just call Detroit. It's the first guitar I ever took apart and put back together, the guitar I learned to solder on. And it sounds and looks great if I do say so myself.

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I still love my Leo Fender signature G&L S-500. The frets are worn almost flat, the maple fretboard has worn through to bare wood in most spots and the hardware is tarnished. I love the tone, the trem & the shape of the neck.

I ordered this guitar back in...'92 or so but it wasn't what I wanted at the time but I kept it anyways and I'm glad I did.

My first electric was a Peavey Impact 2 with dual humbuckers with a separate switch for each and an ebony fretboard. It was fun to learn on.

I've been VERY happy with my first handmade guitar and my current one, plays & sounds great.


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I think I found a new favorite. I played an EBMM Petrucci model yesterday and I must say it's the first guitar that's given me chills in a long time. It just plays so effortlessy and can cover the widest range of tones and styles of any other guitar in its class. The arm carve is in the perfect spot for me and the bridge holds tune even with prodigious trem use.

I dig it. Gotta pick one up one of these days.

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Brian Moore C-55P. Looks great, full of innovations (curve top, acoustic trem, output jack on the back) and plays great. Love the twin humbucker setup. Standard is Duncan Custom in the bridge and Duncan Alnico II Pro in the neck. Great quilt top, sunburst finish. Time to go play, I'm all worked up!

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Well I have two, first one was my Les Paul Black Beauty that I had I the early 80's, don't remember what happened to it or the '74 Les Paul Standard I owned.

And the other one I still have, it's a ~1974 Vega acoustic which was made the the Martin company in the Netherlands. The sound/tone of this guitar is incredible and I got it in about 1980 and it looks like new still.

For now I play a Schecter C1 classic with a JB and '59 which is sweet but will never compare the the Black Beauty. My plan is to build a Les Paul and a Strat as soon as I finish working on my house, which is really soon. Got all the materials and got a start on the Strat neck and body.


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I think I found a new favorite. I played an EBMM Petrucci model yesterday and I must say it's the first guitar that's given me chills in a long time. It just plays so effortlessy and can cover the widest range of tones and styles of any other guitar in its class. The arm carve is in the perfect spot for me and the bridge holds tune even with prodigious trem use.

I dig it. Gotta pick one up one of these days.

I played one of those the other day, it was very comfortable and it looked great but there was so much fret buzz. It was driving me nuts. I doubt the kids at guitar center took the time to set it up so I will not form a permanent opinion on this guitar based on playing only this one. I liked the arm carve aswell.

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