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Zipper Cherry

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This is almost the start. I've already glued two pieces of finnish birch and two pieces of something called tar-alder (tervaleppä in finnish) on top. The joints are not too good but this is the second try so I'll let it be. The shape is sawed and sanded raw.kitara1.jpg

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Ok, there's a little gap from the previous picture but anyway. I made the carving to the top with rotoflex (neverheard?) sanding clamp used with a drill. I don't have any better tools for that so I sanded it. Pretty much work it is. Then I put the hardware to the guitar and tested it. The tremolo seems to work fine. The neck I have attached now is from an old crappy guitar called Sledgehammer! It's the neck I'm gonna use but I'll restorate it complitely. I'm pretty satified so far.



I've finished this guitar by the time I'm writing this so sometimes I think why the hell did I paint this red. It would look pretty fine like this too with maybe some oil on, wouldn't it.

This is the first time I put bindigs on my guitar but it went well.


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Baby's getting stained!

I'm using stain powder which will be added to boiling water. I think I mixed a half bag of bright red, a little black and blue (would have been easier if there were dark red). I did a series of mistakes in the staining. First I dropped too much black powder to the water so it looked like black water in the jar. But I was too anxious to stain the baby so I went to stain it. I stained the guitar once and it looked too light to me so I stained it again. And guess what, it was too dark. So I tried to WASH the color away. And it actually helped a little. Well, here's the pictures.



After the stain had dried, the surface looked a bit like satin. COOL!

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The first coats of clear lacquer.

I made a temporary neck from 10mm plywood to make the handling of the guitar easier. Now I can spin the guitar however I want. The lacquer was ment for boats but I used it earlier somewhere (don't remember) and it shined so hard I almost got blind! The quality of the picture is very poor. Sorry.


This is my working table where my baby's getting sanded from 240 grit to 1200 grit. That's enough for me.


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The Zipper Cherry is now ready!

Here are a few pics from it:



The back plates are made of appletree. Pretty cool huh!


The pickups I have in this guitar was the biggest investment. For example the trem is taken from the old crappy Slegdehammer. So the pickups from bridge to neck: DiMarzio PAF Pro, Red Velvet and Blue Velvet.


The tar-alder came out pretty cool too.


I had much fun taking these pics, as you see.


Please re-read the rules regarding posting of pictures:



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Really awesome, I wasn't sure about the shape when i saw it in the first picture but by the time I had finished reading/looking I was in love. Nice colour and everything also, but I have 2 comments, i think it would look better with a different kind of bridge and the cavity covers should be a different colour. Really nice though :D

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This is the best looking guitar I see in here since a VERY long time in my opinion. It's the first time I see a custom body shape here that makes want to steal the idea(no fear I wont do that....hehe). The finish looks very cool as well. Sure there are some small details I dont really like....ie the cavity covers, but the basic design is a classic. Did you invent that shape?

Some questions:

1. Was the finish sprayed from a can or via a real gun? Can you really not remeber the brand?

2. Did you build the neck? Looks like it's taken from another guitar....

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No offense to the other guys, but I'm hoping you enter this for GOTM, give me something to vote for!

I too was kind of skeptical of the design at first look --it took a couple of seconds before my eyes "got it"...very cool. Reminds me a lot of those Wandres (Davolis), some of the most artful guitars ever designed. I see similarities in Myka's Gold Top from a couple months back too.

Since no one else really sees the cavity covers, it's not a big issue. Still, they should be black or a suitably dark, contrasting color. In my opinion.

Oh yeah, and excellent job on that headstock!

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It look's Alot like this! http://www.espguitars.com/guitars_dave.htm


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