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My Custom Design Guitar

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Yes it might be a tad uncomftable to play on your lap. A Flying V has the same problem which is a massively produced guitar & it obviously didnt bother the creator. When I designed the guitar I knew full well the guitar would have a similar problem but it was the design I created.looking around the project section on this sight I have seen bearly any original designs.

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i was very intrested when you began to post this thread

i myself am 17, and have no formal training whatsoever.

i really admire that you are so passionate about something at your age, because its very hard to go from the planning stage to the doing stage

if you intrested in designing on the computer i could give you a GREAT easy to use computer design program with lots of CAD aspects its called acdsee canvas v11

(enables you to get completly perfectly accurate templates of fretboards, body shapes, ect...your imaginations the limit. and i see you like creating your own designs, this could be a great tool to help you do that better)

just PM me

also another word. i was slotting a fanned fretboard, and was so anxious to get it done, i was off by .5mm on one fret, i filled it, didnt put enough hardner and needed to scrap the whole board. im since taking no precations and learned to put the time into doing it right the first time. but its great to mess up to, becuase thats how you learn not what to do :D and thats what really matters

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i was very intrested when you began to post this thread

i myself am 17, and have no formal training whatsoever.

i really admire that you are so passionate about something at your age, because its very hard to go from the planning stage to the doing stage

if you intrested in designing on the computer i could give you a GREAT easy to use computer design program with lots of CAD aspects its called acdsee canvas v11

(enables you to get completly perfectly accurate templates of fretboards, body shapes, ect...your imaginations the limit. and i see you like creating your own designs, this could be a great tool to help you do that better)

just PM me

also another word. i was slotting a fanned fretboard, and was so anxious to get it done, i was off by .5mm on one fret, i filled it, didnt put enough hardner and needed to scrap the whole board. im since taking no precations and learned to put the time into doing it right the first time. but its great to mess up to, becuase thats how you learn not what to do :D and thats what really matters

i'm also a young one (just turned 16). I had absolutely no woodworking experience when i started but building instruments is all i do now, that and play of course. I'd love to talk to someone else about building.

just pm me too

btw, Zeb it's looking pretty good with the neck and all attatched

Edited by Mr. Preston Swift
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Props for getting the project rolling. Mine has been stuck in design stage for more than a year.

This shape would be awesome with an airplane style paint job. Shape is a similar to one of those stealth bombers. Also it would look cool if you did string through with ferrules instead of a tailpiece.

You should spend a good chunk of time looking at hardware options, like pot knobs and such. Good matching hardware really ties a design together. Any thought on pickups yet?

Edited by Walmslap
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Ye thanx guys

For the pickups i bought two EMG select pickups basically beacause their cheap (working on a tight budget). When i get some more money ill probably upgrade to somthing nicer.

For all the electrical needs i bought one of those Les Paul wiring kits from Stew Mac.

& for the bridge im using as gotoh tom bridge with a Bigsby B5 bridge.

I guess thats pretty weird EMGs normally on a metal guitar with a bigsby which can be found on hollow body jazz guitars.

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Reminds me a little of the Vox Phantom.

Zeb, have you tested it for balance? There's a risk the guitar is going to be neck heavy -- just in case it is, here's an option to consider. Something like that would probably work great with your design too. I think you should look at slightly rounding the edges a bit (I mean the tips of the points).

As for it not being comfortable to play sitting down....well, if you're 13, then you never sit down anyway, right?

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