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My Custom Design Guitar

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For the truss rod i used just a standard curved rod (which can be found here: Visit My Website

To make the hole for the truss rod adjustement nut my dad helped me make a jig to hold the drill bit at the right angle.

To shape the neck first off i cut it to the right depth. I then drew on the shape. & finally i shaped it using spokeshaves & scrapers.

& RGman what makes you think i bought the fretboard.

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Now I am impressed, he owns the StewMac website.

If you made the neck and fretboard yourself then you have made a very good, tidy job of it, especially if it's your first you should be really proud and very keen to show it off to everyone and post in-progress pics. As such, your post started off with a rather crudely cut strange lozenze shape wood body which is undoubtably 'unique' and all credit to you for creating such a marvellous unique body shape. Personally I think it's ugly, uninspired and will be uncomfortable to play. However the excellent work you have done on the fine strat copy neck leads me to believe you've got yourself into a hole and trying to lie yourself out of it. Haing preached the virtues of 'unique design' so strongly, why would you bother to go to all the effort of making a strat-copy neck?

Zero cred, sorry, it's difficult for kids to lie convincingly to cynical adults. Good on you for having a go at putting together your own guitar - hope you keep it up and don't feel the need to have to lie in the future. :D

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To shape the neck first off i cut it to the right depth. I then drew on the shape. & finally i shaped it using spokeshaves & scrapers.

But you ordered the scrapers after you finished the neck? (which amazingly doesn't look all that new)

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I'm sorry, but this is getting ridiculous. Will you lot just get off his back. So he might have bought a neck and said he built it. Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? The amount of ridiculous, unnecessary flaming on here from people that should know better is disgraceful.

It's funny how all it takes is one 13 year old poster for half of you to descend into primary school bickering. Grow up.

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Yeah, alright.

Just a little fun, take everything we have said with a grain of salt, Zeb.

If you did make the neck, cool, looks like you did a pretty good job. If you didn't, thats cool too.

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Just a little fun

Well, probably not so much, from the other end of the stick.

Now I am impressed, he owns the StewMac website

"visit my website" is the text the BB software leaves in the blank when you post a link. He just didn't rewrite it.

especially if it's your first you should be really proud and very keen to show it off to everyone and post in-progress pics.

He said he didn't have any pics to show. Not everyone takes pics of every step of their progress. Especially if they are 13 and building their first guitar unaware that they will be required to provide graphic proof that they actually did it.

Zero cred, sorry, it's difficult for kids to lie convincingly to cynical adults.

It is, however quite easy for cynical adults to decide a kid is lying and use their adult status to overrule any motions to the contrary. Did that never happen to you?

QUOTE(Zeb_hendrix @ Mar 9 2008, 04:25 AM)

RGman what makes you think i bought the fretboard.

What, did the timber appear out of your arse?

He probably thinks you meant he bought it prefretted and such.

Probably because all smart people do for their first.

Not all of us are that smart. I certainly wasn't when I was 14 and built the neck for my first guitar.

For the truss rod i used just a standard curved rod (which can be found here: Visit My Website

To make the hole for the truss rod adjustement nut my dad helped me make a jig to hold the drill bit at the right angle.

That sounds about right, looking at that neck.

looking around the project section on this sight I have seen bearly any original designs.

I'll have to agree with the others here, that you are either not looking much, or defining original as something that has never been done before.

Not everybody wants something that has never been done before.

Some like a classic shape, but want to see it in a different way,

Some want to combine different elements

Some want to modify or pervert existing shapes to various degrees

Aside from that, there are actually quite a number of truly original designs that have been posted here, and it is really quite galling to hear someone make a comment like yours. That may be what ruffled the feathers here.

Anyway, I hope we can get past all this, and you keep posting pics of your progress.

Usually when a guitar appears that people don't like the looks of, the commentary runs more along the lines of "not my cup of tea but.. " and such. Maybe now we can get back to that?


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I agree with orgmorg. People should stop mocking the poor kid. He shows more maturity than some of the posters here.

Don't be discouraged, Zeb. Not that it matters... but I if you say you built the neck, I believe you. I'd like to see some close-up pictures of the neck and the neck joint--not to decide whether you're lying, but just to see your work.

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Like orgmorg and others have said, enough is enough. Can we please declare this myth 'busted' and leave him what dignity he has left? Seriously - let it go. He wanted to impress the veterans and got busted. I'm sure he's more than a little embarassed and is REALLY tired of getting ripped on mercilessly. Let... it... go. :D

Zeb: FWIW, I don't plan on EVER making my own necks. There are just too many things that can seriously go wrong unless you're extremely meticulous with detail & measurement, which I'm not. I'll be happy as a lark buying them and doing my own inlay work and maybe shaping the headstock.

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There are just too many things that can seriously go wrong unless you're extremely meticulous with detail & measurement, which I'm not. I'll be happy as a lark buying them and doing my own inlay work and maybe shaping the headstock.

Well, that's not really true. Start with a pre-slotted, pre-radiused fretboard, and from there it's just building. It's a lot of fun to do too --carving your own neck is definitely something you should at least try once.

But I'm not against using bought necks either --the project I'm working on will have one, at least until/if I get around to building one from scratch for it. I like modifying necks too --this one, for example, started out as a strat neck, but has now morphed into a teleneck with overhang....

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Maybe I'll give it a shot WAY on down the line. Were I to do it now, I'd go with a fretboard that has already been slotted & radiused. There are two things that make me really nervous about making a neck, and measuring the fret locations is one of them. The other is the truss rod. I just don' tknow enough about them to be confident with them.

Even if those two things weren't an issue, the tools would me. Everything necessary for fretwork is beyond my budget right now.

No... I'm perfectly OK getting a paddle head bolt-on or neck-through from someplace like Carvin. The kit I've been playing for 9 years or so is from Carvin, and I REALLY like the neck. Also, they're cheaper than Warmoth for a maple/ebony neck. A neck-through with a paddle head & no inlays goes for $220.

I have a couple of necks here waiting to be used. One of them is from Larry Karosa. The other... I really don't know what it's from. It's a generic maple/rosewood 6-in-line neck. It was dirt cheap. I'll me using it to practice inlay work. If it only plays average, I'll be happy with it. I'll be selling bodies soon enough and I can bundle it with one and get my money back.

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i avoided posting because there was a lot of flaming going on but now i im going to

thats bad ass, being 13 and persuing such a difficult task

by whatever means you did, *i know its tough to get aholod of equipment when you dont have much money* its comming along great. what type of finish do you think your going to do?

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Like orgmorg and others have said, enough is enough. Can we please declare this myth 'busted' and leave him what dignity he has left? Seriously - let it go. He wanted to impress the veterans and got busted. I'm sure he's more than a little embarassed and is REALLY tired of getting ripped on mercilessly. Let... it... go. :D

I'd just like to second that. Let the kid get through his first guitar with lessons learned about integrity and honesty and maybe next time he'll be inspired to shoot for a higher goal. All this rhetoric would make me consider throwing in the towel. However, I wouldn't get myself in that position, but that's beside the point.

Zeb, the guitar is not my style, but I really hope it turns out great. There's a good reason people build replicas of other guitars, even if they plan on using their own designs in the future, and that is to become familiar with what has been proven to work. After you've gotten a grasp on that, the sky is the limit as far as unique designs go. :D

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