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Flea Market Body Blank Yields Goodness......

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In this thread : http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...t=0&start=0 I was looking for opinions as to what type of wood I may have found at the local flea market. It appears to be African Mahogany and I had planned to make a proper Telecaster out of it , but then the Tele went Pine and I cutted out an Explorer from this one piece slab. The only other Explorer I have done is the pine / pallet one so I figured WTHN , you know?

Here it is so far , jigsawed out and hit with 50 and then 80 grit. I rubbed the top with some 120 and wet it for the pics.

I decided to leave the carving on the back cuz aminals are tasty.




Still got a lot of work to do , but here she is so far....

Thoughts ?

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I think the animals will look stupid.

Hey... you asked.

sweet wood score though

I dunno- at first- I thought- ewwww- but then I thought- hell- I think that is exactly what makes this sweet. SHAKA ZULU!!!!

+1 on the wood score- always cool to find something and recycle it for something as sweet as a guitar.

Remember- no one has to see the back- I say leave it- when people say- nice explorer you can flip it over and say 'Shaka Zulu!"

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The animals arent doing it for me gotta say. Also I dont know what your methods are but for me, they would make it awfully hard to do a good job on the rest of the work you need to do i.e. routing cavities, drilling, etc. Also unless your doing a pickguard and a topmounted bridge, you're going to have to do some drilling or routing on the back, which will be a biiettch. Forget doing a control cavity cover on that back too. Combination of that and the left over finish from the carvings just looks real messy IMO. If I were you, I'd take 'em out. Just my $0.02. :D

Edited by WAK Guitars
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Leave the zoo, it might not be everyone's pint of beer but it's definitely different!

If it had been me, I also would have had the carving on the front.

Use a pickguard and front rout it to save the animals.


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It looks great, love one piece bodies, the animals might feel good, and I wouldn't remove the original finish on the back, that and the carving gives the guitar history, clear over the whole shebang. Mang :D this issue has polarized the respondents, preserve the wildlife :D

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Wow - the crowd is split on the wildlife .......

It's stayin' .

I'll list my reasons for it :

1: I wanted to preserve the original artists work in SOME caliber.

2: The front would've been awkward for routing/etc with the 3d aminals , so the back it is. not to worry , I have a lot of sanding/smoothing / rounding to do back there.

3: Thats what I want. :D

Since its plain-jane on the grain , I may paint it black. Defiitely doing a front rout / PG ( good call B ) and it will be a Stop bar /TOM / 2 Hummers , 3 way - "traditional" Explorer .

I still haven't decided on a set neck or a bolt on - or what material I should go with -

I have : Padauk , Willow, Maple and Mahogany. I'll probably lam a Maple/ Mahogany or a Maple / Padauk neck for it -

What would you do ?

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I personally would have cut it the other way around and had the animals on the front. Then again I love weird **** like that.

+1 to that. Id have done the same thing.

Maby Our souls isint as messed in the head as we all think he is ?


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I like the grain on the front - knots and all. Since you're going to leave the critters, it really fits.\

With the body coming from the flea market, go for the oddball neck to match: willow with a maple f/b. You could put a mahogany pinstripe between the neck & f/b to help separate the two light woods.

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I personally would have cut it the other way around and had the animals on the front. Then again I love weird **** like that.

+1 to that. Id have done the same thing.

Maby Our souls isint as messed in the head as we all think he is ?


Ha ha ! only for long enough to "prove that I can" to myself as well as others ......

I'm tired of people implying that I only build odd stuff because I "can't" build normal guitars ... :D

I just build what comes to me and shy away from making things I could buy elsewhere.

This piece of wood is probably a couple of decades old and has a nice high pitched "Biiiing" to it when tapped. It really deserves a traditional build IMO , so I'll do my best on this one. Heck I might even make / use templates to rout it. B)

So - willow, maple/mahog lam ala John or K.I.S.S. the thing and go with mahogany neck / maple board? and set neck or bolt ? I'm still undecided.

How do we feel about a camo swirl???????? - JK . That would be awesome tho -

Oh - and the aminals on the front would've been great , but trying to mount/rout the bridge and pups would've been a bear ! and it would've put the animals on display and I like them 'hidden' back there ..... Like Mr. Natural says " SHAKA ZULU" lol

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I'm actually a little surprised you didn't put the animals on the front as well, but the point is moot now.

I'd go with a mahogany neck and a dark fretboard, maybe some of your padouk. You could work a little of the carving (if you have any usable scrap left) into a backstrap for the headstock or a trussfod cover to balance it out. And I'd finish it with clear with a translucent black burst which would tie into the finish on the back art.


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I'm actually a little surprised you didn't put the animals on the front as well, but the point is moot now.

I'd go with a mahogany neck and a dark fretboard, maybe some of your padouk. You could work a little of the carving (if you have any usable scrap left) into a backstrap for the headstock or a trussfod cover to balance it out. And I'd finish it with clear with a translucent black burst which would tie into the finish on the back art.


Solid advice. Thanks. I will definitely stew on that...........

I do have all the scrap left. That's one nice thing about using a jigsaw. You only lose 1/8" of product all the way around.

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